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c h a p t e r

I sat down on the chair, waiting patiently for those three people inside the room. I fidgeted with my fingers, nervous of what'll happen.

"It's not fair! She hurt me! I don't fucking care if she's new! I don't!" I hear Sasha shout at the other room, which seemed a little bit muffled but it was loud and clear. "I won't tolerate this kind of attitude alpha, I want you to stick to your rules and kick that girl out of here! Pack members aren't allowed to hurt other pack members! Remember? And let's not forget she was a rogue when she hurt my daughter!" Sasha's father spoke up with a stern and furious voice.

Okay, maybe I did it wrong. But why did they have to react that much? I mean... Sasha's a werewolf, why can't she heal?

She's not like you, she's nowhere like you, that's why she can't heal faster than you. My wolf stated.

I sighed and looked down at the ground. The yelling continued, but oddly the alpha didn't spoke a single word. What was he up to?

"I hate that trash! Ever since she got here she has been changing rules! the one where no pack members doesn't need to hurt a pack member! And isn't she the one Evie had caught sneaking around their balcony?! She's a fucking spy! And at that night she was outside when the attack of that stupid snake happened! Are you going to just let this go?! Huh?! Alpha -" Slap. I gasped and stood up from my chair.

I hear a loud whimper, then a cry. I ran to the door and barged in, I stared at Alpha Lyon's dark expression then to Sasha who fell on the floor. I went to her aid and gently grabbed her, "Sasha? Tell me where it hurts." I firmly said. I ignored the stares around me, I just focused on Sasha's crying and hurting face. I sighed and looked up at Alpha Lyon. I helped Sasha up and frowned at the alpha.

"Alpha, I may be new, I may not know anything, I may not be good for this pack, and I may have hurt a pack member accidentally, but what alpha slaps a female pack member?" That made his eyes soften. My voice was clear, firm, and mad. I didn't once had quiver. Why would he hurt a girl? Sasha may not like me, but how dare he?

Suddenly, I remembered the faint memories from the past.

"Hey there sweet thing..."

I shook my memories off and sternly stared at the alpha, "I may just be an ordinary girl, an ordinary pack member, but you have no right, no right at all to slap or even hit a girl, do you understand me?" My wolf conflicted. Shit, I need to calm down.

Alpha Lyon stared at me with an unreadable expression. I turned to Sasha and saw her looking down while her hand was still on her face. I looked at her father and motioned him to go. The father gulped and got out of his trance before grabbing his daughter and walking out.

I sighed and looked up at Alpha Lyon who just stared at me, his eyes glazing with something. "I...apologize alpha," I bowed, caging my wolf, "I didn't know what happened to my wolf. It's just...I have never in my life experienced seeing or hearing a girl being slapped by a man, a grown man who can think." No, you haven't, but you did experience being that girl.

Shut up Angie.

I stood up straight before kneeling in one knee and completely submitting to the alpha. Suddenly, I felt something sting in the back of my head, what are you doing? My wolf growled.

Apologizing. I ignored her and said "Forgive me alpha, for hurting a pack member, for telling you off, and for breaking the pack rules." I waited for him to say something, but I only heard footsteps.

I gasped when I gelt arms go around my waist and bringing me up. I looked up at Alpha Lyon's eyes, he looked discreet. I widen my eyes when he suddenly went weak under my eyes. "Brielle..." he whispered, "what are you doing to me?"

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