Kidnapped - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Caseys POV

I didn’t have a watch, so I didn’t know how long I had left cleaning the kitchen. 

My stomach hurt so bad, tears were slowly rolling down my cheeks. My hands were raw from scrubbing the floor with a cloth and I was covered in dirt from head to toe, plus blood from my wound. 

I missed my family so bad and especially Dan. What had happened to him? Every time I thought about what could have happened, a wave of nausea washed over me. I just hoped that he is okay, if he wasn't i don't know what i would do.

My thoughts drifted to my mum, Jillian. She would be worried sick, especially since I was her only child and my Dad was dead. 

Suddenly, the door crashed open and there stood Scar, a pleasant smile on his face. 

“S-Scar, I’m sorry for not finishing the kitchen, but my stomach makes everything so much harder,” I sighed as single tear rolled down my cheek. I really had tried my best to clean the kitchen. Let's just hope he would understand. Ha, like that was going to happen. He was a psychopath kidnapper, there was no trace of niceness in him whatsoever.

 “Ok,” he stated, coming towards me. I braced myself for the worst and shut my eyes tight. Instead of hurting me, he offered his hand to me.

“T-T-Thanks, Scar,” I mumbled, taking his hand gratefully and pulling myself up.

He stayed silent and led me out of the door. It was mid afternoon, who knows what day it was. We tramped across the leaves until i noticed a shed come into view. I realised we were heading for it and terrible thoughts crossed through my mnd. What was he going to do with me in there?

Scar shoved me inside and I gasped when I realised there was someone else in here with me.

Scar left and locked the door, still not saying a word. I sat as far as way as possible from the girl, unsure what her reaction would be to me. 

She spun around and hissed, “See you finally arrived.” 

What did she mean? 

“Oh, you don’t know why you’re here? Well, Scar can tell you that,” She spat, turning around to face the wall so she wouldn't be facing me. 

So this wass all planned? I was apart of one of Scar's crazy schemes?

I glanced around the room and saw that there was a single bed and a desk with paper and a pen. 

“What’s your name?” I asked her, my voice shaking.

 “Erin, and I already know your name, Casey,” she spoke, her voice full of venom.  How did she know so much about me?

I took in Erin’s features while she continued to stare at me. She had long brown hair, like me. She was very skinny and her body was covered in dirt. In a weird way, she looked a little like me. 

“Why are we here?” I questioned, not sure I wanted to know the answer. 

“To be punished,” she stated simply and i frowned.  

What on earth did she mean? I didn't deserve to be punished.

“And why exactly are we getting punished?” I said, not sure if i was going to believe her or not. 

For all i knew, she was as crazy as Scar.

“Scar will explain soon enough, until then, don’t talk to me,” she replied coldly. 

Why did she hate me when she didn’t even know me?

JILLIAN’S POV (Casey’s Mum)

When the police called me last night to tell me that my daughter had been kidnapped and that her friend Dan was in hospital, i didn't believe them. Things like that don't happen in our small town. Kidnapping? Gangs? Gunshot wounds? Of course i assumed it was a prank call. I obvisouly hung up and it wasn't till half an hour later when the police pulled into my driveway did i realise what they were saying may be true. 

I had had a sleepless night, tossing and turning. When it finally reached 6am, i got up and started making breakfast. Even that brought a tear to my eye, i didn't know if Casey was dead or alive.  Right then, i decided i would do anything in my power to find Casey

And thats how i ended up right here. In the parking lot of the local night club where she had been abducted. The police had already searched here, but i thought it would be better if i were to take a look for myself.  I knew there was no chance of me finding anything, it was just so i could distract myself.

There was nothing at all in the parking lot. No clues, no signs - no nothing. It just looked like your average parking lot with a few cars in it. 

I decided i need a coffee to calm my nerves and i walked towards a nearby coffee shop. As i entered, a waitress was immediately at my side and led me to a seat.

“What would you like today, Ma'am?” she asked sweetly. 

“Skinny latte, make that a large,” I replied, not meeting her eye, she would see that i looked like death and i couldn't deal with any more questions.

She walked off and promptly returned back with my latte. As I let the latte seep down my throat, a sudden thought occurred to me. 

What if Scar had Casey? 

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