Kidnapped - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

I rushed back inside the shed, picking up a large stick as I went. I could always use some protection, I thought as I shoved the stick under the tiny bed. 

My head spun as i stood back up and i suddenly felt very overwhelmed. I was so hungry, my stomach was in pain. Although, i couldn't distinguish whether where the pain was coming from, hunger pains or my cut. I climbed into the bed an immediately went to sleep.


My eyes shot open and I realised Erin was shaking me awake. I batted her hands away but she just smiled.

 “Where did you and Scar go?” I asked her, even though I already knew the answer. 

She did not answer me, but instead she pulled out a bandage. I grabbed the bandage and eagerly wrapped it around my still painful wound. 

“You should be grateful for that, because I had to sneak it off Scar when he wasn’t looking,” she muttered. 

“T-Thank you, Erin,” I mumbled, still not sure whether to trust her or not.

 As she walked away, I decided I wanted some information out of her so I boldly asked her, “Who are you, Erin?” 

She spun back around and sneered at me. 

“What's it to you?” 

“I mean, how do you know Scar, and how do you know me?” I stated, looking her straight in the eye. 

“I told you, Casey. When the time comes, Scar will tell you,” she replied, sitting down at the desk. 

I did not understand at all. Why couldn’t Scar just ask for ransom money and let me go? I missed Dan and Mum so much and it broke my heart thinking about Dan. A single tear rolled down my cheek. Would I ever be let free again?

Dan’s POV

It had been a rough few days in the hospital and I was ecstatic when I was finally released. I had talked to Jillian and the police during my stay at the hospital, but there were still no leads on Casey’s whereabouts. Every minute of every day I was worrying about her. 

As I walked out of the hospital exit with my mum, I asked her, “Mum, is there a police search today for Casey?”

“Yes there is, but Dan... I’m not sure. You have just been let out of hospital. Do you really think its a good idea?” she sighed, opening the car and we both got in. 

The doctors had diagnosed me with a mild concussion and some blood loss. I was fine! 

“Mum, I need to go search for Casey. I need to find her!” I shouted, tears brimming up in my eyes. I immediately wiped them away, ashamed that I was crying in front of my Mum. 

“Ok, its really your decision. I just dont want you to feel overwhelmed.” she sighed again, turning the engine on. 

“I'll be fine, Mum,” I leant over and hugged her gratefully.

The ride home was silent as I was thinking about Casey. The time passed quickly and i realised we were just around the corner from our house.  When Mum pulled into the driveway, I jumped out of the car. 

The front door was unlocked, so I ran in and shouted, “Dad?”

 Dad walked out of the living room and hugged me gruffly. 

“Its good to have you home, son,” he announced, ruffling my hair.

I walked into the kitchen and fixed myself a sandwich, eager to get out of the house and start looking for Casey. i quickly wolfed it down, picking up my phone and shouting a good bye to my parents. Now, where to look? I hopped into my car and pulled out of the driveway and started towards the nightclub Casey had been kidnapped from.

When I arrived at the nightclub, the car park was basically empty, as it was still day time. I drove around aimlessly, looking at the road for any signs. There really was no point in searching, the police had already been here multiple times with the search party. My eyes brimmed with tears as i realised how little hope i had for finding Casey. I really believed that the wasn't coming back.

Kidnapped | RAINBOW98Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora