Kidnapped - Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Casey’s POV

Jess and I collapsed on the ground, exhausted from walking so far. My left arm was in excruciating pain, but I tried my best to ignore it. 

“We’re going to have to stop to rest. I’m exhausted and I can see you are too,” Jess announced. 

We had walked throughout the night and only stopped for an hours’ rest. It was now early morning, the bright sun slowly rising above the horizon. The woods were usually quite dark, so I was grateful for the rays of sunlight, shining through the small spaces between the trees.

I sat down beside Jess, and I let my eyes wander around the area we were in. I noticed that we had stopped in a clearing, and the ground was sandy rather than dirt. This might be a place where people camp, I thought. 

Suddenly, an ear splitting scream tore through the silence of my thoughts.  Jess nervously glanced at me, and I noticed how vulnerable we really were. Instantly, I recognised the voice of the scream. Erin! In the distance, gunshots went off and I began weeping. Jess looked over at me, confused as to why I was crying. 

Poor Erin, she didn’t deserve to die. And then I was crying for myself. Not just for me, but Jess as well. We were not going to make it out alive. Scar was going to capture us and kill us. I sobbed harder and harder and I felt Jess wrap her arm around my shoulder. She was crying as well, and it felt good to let out all the hidden emotions that I had bottled up for so long.

Just then, I realised a fault in our escape plan. If we had just heard Erin screaming, then that would mean we were not that far from Scar’s house. Jess looked at me, and her face showed that she understood what I was thinking. We had walked in a complete circle!

I groaned. How had we managed that? We had not come across the van that we had abandoned at the start of our escape. By now, Scar must have noticed Jess and I were missing. He would be furious. He would probably be searching for us right now. 

I lay down on the ground, refusing to think any more scary thoughts. There was no point in continuing our escape, as this proved that we had no sense of direction to go. Jess' eyes were shut so I decided to do the same, try to get some sleep. 

I rolled over onto my left side, but instantly regretted when pain shot up my arm. My arm was purple and blue from bruising, so I rolled back over onto my back and gingerly placed my arm across my chest. As I was drifting off to sleep, I heard Jess get up. 

I opened my eyes and Jess said, “Someone has to stay awake to watch for Scar. I’m obviously in better shape than you are at the moment, so I will stay awake so you can sleep.” 

That was so sweet. I have the best cousin ever. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Someone was shaking me awake. My eyes fluttered open, annoyed that I had been woken up. 

“Casey,” she hissed. “There are people out here.” I sat up straight, now fully alert. 

“What do you mean?” I whispered back to her. 

“Listen,” she mouthed. I distantly heard voices and twigs snapping. I got more worried as the sounds come closer and closer. 

Suddenly, I heard twigs snap behind us and I feared the worst. We were done for. I heard the person gasp, but neither of us dared to look back. 

“Casey!” the voice yelled from behind. 

My mouth gaped open and I spun around. The person embraced me and tears of joy welled in my eyes.

“Casey, my Casey,” the familiar voice whispered in my ear, stroking my hair. 

He smelt so good.

“I knew you would rescue me, Dan,” I mumbled, nestling my head further into his chest.

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