Kidnapped - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Casey’s P.O.V

It had been a couple of hours since Scar had put me in the shed with Erin and it was now night time. 

We sat silent; the only sound was the birds chirping quietly outside. There was one tiny window on the top of the wall, but it was too far up to try and escape through. I

I sat down at the desk, deciding to write a letter to my mum. I saw it as a chance to write out my feelings, kinda like writing a journal when i was younger.. Luckily, there was a pencil and a notebook inside one of the desk drawers. I took it out and began my 'letter'

Dear Mum, I wrote. 

I am sorry that I was careless and got myself kidnapped. I am fine, but I miss you terribly. Please do not worry about me as I will hopefully see you again. If Dan is alive, please tell him I love him and it’s not his fault I got kidnapped.

I love you Mummy. 

Love Casey

As i was folding up the letter to hide away, the door burst open. In came Scar and he sat down on the bed, placing a small container next to him. 

Before i has the chance to hide the letter away, he snatched it out of my hands. His eyes scanned the letter and he shoved it in his pocket.

He didn't say anything to me, just handed the container to Erin and she opened it gratefully. 

When I saw what was inside, my stomach grumbled loudly. Food! 

She took the sandwich out and hungrily chomped it down. Erin took out an apple and a bottle of juice and that was quickly gone as well. I looked at Erin, then at Scar. Did I get any food? As if Scar read my thoughts, he spoke a single word


Erin stood up and took Scar’s hand and he led her outside. Where were they going?

When they left, I quickly scampered up on to the bed. My hands felt the itchy blanket and pulled it over my shivering body. It clung on to my wound, which was stinging painfully, but I didn’t care. I was exhausted. My eyes drooped down and I fell into a deep sleep.


When I woke up, sunlight was pouring through the window. Last night was my second night that I had been kidnapped. Wait, had it? I was losing track of time very easily. 

I noticed there was a small muffin on top of the desk and i practically ran over, grabbing it up. My stomach grumbled and i quickly ate the whole muffin. the last time i had eaten was before i went to the nightclub and i hadn't realised how hungry i was.

My eyes glanced around the room and I saw that Erin was still not back. Had they been gone the whole night? 

Suddenly, I thought I felt something vibrate in my pocket. My phone! I fumbled with my pocket and I realised defeatedly

that my phone was not inside - it must have been my imagination. Scar must’ve taken it when he had first captured me. There really was not hope for me.

Another couple of hours passed and Scar and Erin still had not come back. My legs felt stiff as I walked over to the door and i fiddled with the door handle, willing it to be unlocked. As the door opened, I gasped. In the distance,  sitting on the pine needles of the forest floor, sat Scar and Erin.

They didn’t notice me, so I sneaked around the back of the shed and crouched down. They were speaking loudly and it looked like they were enjoying themselves. 

“So, Scar. When are you going to kill Casey?” she said casually, while eating food from their picnic basket.

I felt my stomach drop. Was Scar going to really kill me? He couldn’t! 

“Well, I will have to wait, because I want to try and hurt her Mum as much as possible before I will kill her. She wrote a letter today and I attached a little note explaining whom she was with. I will send it tomorrow. Jillian will never find us though, Erin. We’re perfectly safe and sound,” he replied, rubbing her shoulder protectively.

She seemed happy about his response and they continued chatting. How did Scar know my Mum? More to the point, how did my Mum know Scar?

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