Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Alec

1540 — August 29th

Alec Macrae was worried. He frowned as he looked across the courtyard, the ramparts ravaged and destroyed during the battle for control over the last several days. After Gavin MacKenzie had left, Alec was able to fend off the last attackers from entering the castle, and the morning following Gavin's departure, organize a strike against the raiders. The attackers had grown weak and lazy throughout the morning, so Alec was able to effectively kill or drive almost all of them out of the castle walls. Almost.

A small band had taken over one of the spires in the northeast end of the castle, and he hadn't be able to infiltrate their strong hold over the last couple of days. His own men were feeling their morale slip. He knew they could maintain control, but it was that much more frustrating because he wanted to take the hostages back from the invaders.

He couldn't do much more than try to stay calm. The worst thing was the look of horror on some of the villagers faces when they were hauled into the keep. One in particular struck Alec's heart hard: a young lass with hair the color of coal. He remembered only glimpsing her from across the quarter, her wild eyes seemed to pierce into his soul and heart. He touched his chest in anxiety.

He stood on the balcony from his room and stared across the highlands. He hoped that Gavin would get his message to the King soon so he could get some support. He had already tried sending a letter to the Maxwells asking for assistance, but they hadn't replied. He hadn't heard any follow up threats from the MacDonalds either.

Alec sighed and leaned over the balcony wall. The fires had destroyed much of the inner city, but he was thankful the storage and granary was saved. He had enough reserves to feed his men, but with the surrounding clans unable to deliver more food or get onto the loch to fish, it wouldn't last. He was frustrated because he felt like the entire world had cast its eyes away from Eilean Donan Castle, or that the devil had specifically marked it for destruction.

He had to hold out hope, hold out faith that God would return to his favor, that Gavin MacKenzie would do everything he could to protect his people. Alec knew that while Gavin wasn't always the most sound minded man, he was at least the most loyal and faithful. He would get the job done.

Alec thought of when Gavin and he were boys, running through the castle and making a fuss in the quiet afternoons of the castle, when the sun would glint off the loch just right. When the MacKenzies and Macraes had just become strong allies, taking the reins of ruling together and combining their two great clans under one roof. Looking over the land now, Alec could scarcely imagine a time when the clans of Scotland were scattered and splintered more than they were now. But it wasn't enough. They needed to all join together, none of this bickering and killing for nothing. For what? A babe that the MacDonalds thought was murdered?

Alec recalled his father and Angus discussing it several years ago, when the King had sent a letter asking the clans to set aside idle strife. England had resurfaced as a threat against their people, and Alec could only recall his father trying to calm Angus down when he had received the letter. He was angry that the King was ordering him to sacrifice his honor by admitting to something he hadn't done: killing the MacDonald child. He blamed the MacDonalds for having such loose and underutilized watchmen in their castle, and it was their fault for the loss of the baby.

His father had died of old age when Alec was a teenager, but he didn't think that Gavin understood what a father that Angus had been do him as well. The loss of Angus MacKenzie was just as powerful for him as it was for Gavin. He hoped he wouldn't have to permanently take over the control of the castle - the responsibility was too much for him to bear, the last three days already taking a toll on his body and mind.

He gazed into the mirror and sighed at the deep lines already embedding themselves under his eyes. He was starting to look like his father, but twenty five years too young for it. He folded his arms and puffed out his chest, trying to replace the vigor he had had even a week before. It was no good.

Neil was at the door, and he tapped on it to gain Alec's attention.

"Sire, the men need you to go over another battle plan."

"Aye, I'll be right there."

Neil left and Alec was left to his thoughts. How was he going to get those hostages free? He had some hard choices to make.

"Gavin, where are ye?"


In the dining hall, a table had been cleared off and a map of the castle and its inner walls had been spread across it. Alec leaned over it, spreading the edges of the gnarled sheep skin taut, trying to keep the map from curling on itself. He exhaled.

"We know they're keeping the villagers in here." He pointed to the spire in the northeastern section of the castle. There was only a couple of routes to reach it - two extended across the ramparts and were too narrow to make it across. "You've tried going through the front?"

"Aye," Barron replied. "They were able to fend us off, and we can't overwhelm them wit' numbers."

Alec thought for a moment, scratching his chin in contemplation. He traced a line from the castle ramparts, following the outer wall, and smashing against the tower where the hostages were kept. "Have you tried the ramparts?"

"Hell no," Barron said, "We think it's too risky to the men. We can't afford any more losses."

"We won't lose anyone. Listen up." Alec turned and snapped his fingers, gathering the attention of the other clansmen in the room. A mixture of Macrae and MacKenzie men, united together in battle for the first time in years. Alec smiled to himself as the men crowded around the table, their murmuring quieting.

"Barron, take about a dozen men and grab some of the better shields from the armoury. Donae give me that look, I know your men donae like using shields, but it's important. Form a tight circle, making sure your shields cover every direction and advance on the keep. If you can catch them inside, they won't be able to stop you. We have better fighters than they do, they're cowards hiding away in mouse holes."

Barron cast a wide grin and slammed his fist on the table, shaking the map. "So we'll be the cats." He rallied the men up and they cheered down the halls, toward the armoury. Alec sighed, sitting back in a chair that was nearby and massaging his brow. He hoped his idea would work.

He also hoped that woman was okay. The one with the black hair he couldn't keep his mind off of.

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