Highlander's Embrace (Extended)

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Highlander's Embrace

By Amy Isan


This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. December 16, 2013.

Copyright © 2013 Amy Isan.

Written by Amy Isan.

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1520 - December

Moira MacDonald tightened her grip on her husband's hand, frowning and groaning as she trembled. The midwife drew herself close between the Lady's splayed legs and tried to calm her.

"Easy. Easy there, just breathe..." the midwife whispered, her voice sounding sweet despite her exasperation.

Moira grunted loudly, begging God to take her where she lay. Her husband was near her, clutching her hand and planting bearded-kisses on her glistening forehead.

"It'll be over soon, Moira, then we'll have a child..." The Laird of Eilean Donan looked apprehensive, but he trusted the midwife, Kenna, with all his heart. A fire was crackling in the room, making it feel altogether too hot with the energy that was flowing through it.

It would be the first child of Moira and Richerd MacDonald. They hadn't been blessed with conception until the last summer. They prayed for a boy, hoping that he would grow strong and empower their clan.

"I can see it, one more push, my Lady."

The midwife pushed Moira's knees apart with gentle persuasion, then leaned down. Moira screamed as she pushed one final time, her curled red hair sticking to her skin and neck.

The tension in the air evaporated and a huge sigh left Moira's lips. She collapsed back in her bedding, large pillows pushed up against her lower back. She gave her husband a tender look.

The midwife carefully held the baby up as if it were a fine piece of glass. She severed the umbilical cord and wiped the babe's face, ensuring it could cry out in confusion and loss of comfort.

Kenna wrapped the baby up in a blanket and handed it to Moira. Her face lit up in jubilation as she took the small thing in her arms and cradled it.

Kenna smacked her lips with some satisfaction. "It's a girl, my Lady."

Richerd wasn't disappointed. Any expectations he had vanished the moment he looked at the blue eyes of their red-headed baby girl. He smiled and knelt down with his wife, giving the small thing a kiss on the forehead.


The following morning he met with a scribe to send a message to the nearby highland clan he had long been rivals with, The MacKenzies. He and his wife had discussed it, and decided that having a girl was truly a blessing. The MacKenzies had recently been blessed with a baby boy, and it was the perfect opportunity to unite the two families, bringing Scotland that much closer to peace.


A week after the letter was sent, disaster struck. The baby MacDonald vanished from her crib in the royal chambers. No trace of her abduction remained except for tattered cloth and the scent of fire. Richerd and Moira sent a second letter to the clan MacKenzie, blaming them for the loss of their child.

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