Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Gavin

1540 — August 30th

The next morning, they departed from their camp. Their travel by road cut their trip down by a large amount and by the time nightfall had fallen on the highlands, they had reached Dornie. As they rode over the last hill, Gavin could briefly see a small shadow of the castle he so longed to be back inside. Smoke no longer billowed from it, but he swore for a flash of an instant he could see an orange glow inside the walls. He needed to get back, his heart racing at the idea.

He turned to Elyn, who gave him an assured nod, before he headed down the hill, hearing her follow closely behind him. It didn't look like the Maxwells or MacDonalds had marched on the castle yet, but Gavin couldn't be sure until they were back inside.

The farm land near the castle walls looked promising, untouched save for some small damage that the raiders had no doubt wrecked. A light drizzle fell on Gavin's head, the smell of the wet earth rising like a tender fog over the landscape. A small wind whipped across the grass, kicking up plumes of dust and foliage. Gavin inhaled deeply as they brought their horses down the hills and back onto the well-worn road that led into the castle walls.

The gates were unguarded, which made Gavin uneasy. He stopped at the stables and dismounted his horse before helping Elyn off of Rhys. They locked the two loyal steeds into the stalls and passed through the gates unseen.

The castle village was dark, only the flickering light of the braziers giving the two a sense of how desolated it was. Making their way through the cobbled streets, they reached the entrance to the castle proper, where they encountered two nervous-looking guards standing watch. When the first guard heard Gavin approaching, he took a step forward and called out into the darkness.

"Who goes there?" The guard spat on the ground and his expression hardened. Gavin stepped out of the light and watched the guard's eyes light up, his grip loosening from his sword. "MacKenzie! You're back!"

"There's no time for talk, I have to see Alec immediately," Gavin said. "It's urgent."

Barron Macrae moved between the guards and grinned when he saw Gavin. He bellowed at the guard, "What are you waiting for? Let him pass! God damn fool..." The guard moved to the side sheepishly. Barron opened his arms and embraced Gavin, giving him a strong smack on the back. He led Elyn and Gavin inside.

"I knew you were still alive, ye stubborn dog," Barron said. He smacked his lips loudly and threaded his fingers through his beard. "Who might this lass be? Wait, don't tell me — Elyn Douglas."

"Aye, turns out she's more than that. Take us to Alec, I'll explain everything there."

Barron raised his brow and shrugged. He waved for the two to follow him as he bounded up the stairs and into the castle, toward the chambers.


Barron led them to Gavin's chambers and held the door open for them to walk in. Alec was standing near the window when Barron called out over Gavin's shoulder. "Look who I found milling around outside the castle!"

"Sheena! Is that you?" Elyn said, brushing past the men. Sheena turned at the sound of her sister's voice and nearly broke down into tears at the sight of her. "You're alive!"

The balcony door was ajar, letting in the cool night breeze from the highlands. Rain spilled into the chamber, but Alec seemed to pay no mind to his damp clothes. Sheena moved from Alec and embraced her sister. Alec looked over the two with a smile and greeted Gavin and Barron.

"Gavin. It's about time you made it back. Christ, I was beginning to worry..." Alec said, unrestrained cheer sneaking into his voice. He settled back down into a chair and invited Barron and Gavin to sit, leaving Elyn and Sheena to reunite With a passing glance over the women, he met the two men.

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