Well this is new

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Remus was the first to wake, he smiled as he glanced down at the weight curled up on his chest, her tiny hands balled up in a vise grip on his shirt. He ran his fingers through her long brown hair gently, "Caelen?" He whispered waking the sleeping girl.

Brown eyes fluttered open, one tiny fist rubbed at them groggily before she nuzzled her head into his neck with a yawn. "Hmmmm?" She mumbled against him.

Remus laughed lightly bringing the half sleeping child with him as he sat up, "you can't sleep there all morning,"he said chuckling when she refused to budge from her place cuddled in his arms, "how am I to teach defensive spells while carrying you?"

Caelen reached for his free arm waving it around as if performing some complicated wand movement. Despite her best attempts she couldn't quite contain her giggles.

Remus grinned broadly hearing her laughter, "well you may have something there," he began in a teasing tone. "I can use you as a shield and fight the boggart with this hand," Remus laughed as he spun around pretending to be fighting a fierce beast.

"No!" The little girl squealed giggling, "you fight that old boggart by yourself!"

Pulling her away from himself, Remus grew serious. "I wanted to talk to you about that actually," he began noticing the suddenly nervous expression crossing his daughter's face, "I'm going to be teaching my third years how to fend off boggarts. A boggart takes the form of whatever you fear the most," Caelen tensed in his arms, " so for this class I feel it would be best if you weren't there ok?"

"Hermione, Harry, and Ron are third years," the girl mumbled, "where will I go while you teach them?"

Remus smiled Caelen was fond of the three Gryffindors they'd shared a compartment with on the trip to Hogwarts, he wasn't sure what they'd spoken of while he'd been asleep but he was happy she was gaining confidence enough to speak to them at all. When they had gone shopping for proper clothes for her, the morning after she'd arrived at his home, the girl hadn't made a sound. She'd clung instead to his leg agreeing to anything he suggested with a swift nod of her head. "Well I've spoken to Hagrid and he's agreed to look out for you during my class today."

"But Hagrid's so big..." Caelen whimpered nervously. He'd seemed nice enough when he smiled at her in the great hall, but most adults frightened her, and he was the biggest person she'd ever seen. "I'll stay out of the way I promise I won't bother you at all!" She attempted to bargain desperate to avoid being left with someone other than her father.

Remus squeezed the girl close, "you're not in the way cub," he whispered gently trying to sooth her fears, "I just don't want you frightened. Hagrid will take good care of you you'll like him I promise."

"But-" the girl began still hoping to convince him otherwise.

"I'm sorry Caelen but you just can't be with me this time." Remus interrupted his tone firm, "it will be ok I promise, you'll like Hagrid."

Caelen highly doubted that but thinking better of arguing further she nodded sadly. Remus hugged her once more before sending her to her room to dress for breakfast.

The pair walked hand in hand towards the great hall. Caelen's head turned swiftly side to side attempting to take in all the amazing sights of the castle. She pulled nervously against her father's arm when they neared a moving staircase, "I don't wanna go on that!" She whispered timidly.

Remus smiled remembering his own nervousness over the moving staircases when he'd first come to Hogwarts, "it's alright they just move a little they won't hurt you."

"But what if I fall off?" Caelen stressed biting her lip nervously as she peaked over the edge.

"I promise I won't let you fall, ok?" Remus reassured tugging her gently forward.

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum