Some revelations hurt

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Remus stood stiffly in the shadows thinking vaguely that he might be mad, perhaps the whole world was mad, or just the war or wizards or magic itself everything was mad but especially, intrinsically so, was Remus John Lupin. Perhaps so, perhaps he had always been so and just hadn't realized until this moment or perhaps simple desperation had turned him mad but whatever the reason, the origin, whatever the case may be he was certain in that moment that he was in fact entirely bonkers, he and this mad plot he'd dreamt up.

In his youth he'd fancied himself intelligent, rather brilliant at times, but at the very least sane. The months living with the werewolves had worn him down physically, mentally, and emotionally until only one thing mattered, only one thought could be heard through the desperation and pain and hunger that had pervaded his mind the last months, Caelen. It was this thought, this desperation to get back to his daughter, that had inspired the scheme he was currently regretting. Here we come back to the original thought, Remus had surely gone mad.

He shifted along the edge of the room careful not to draw attention to his presence. Some of the young werewolves were meeting some death eaters tonight and if all went well the outcome would show the truth like his lecturing never could have.

Remus froze as four black cloaked figures slipped silently into the dark dusty factory they were meeting in. The masks seemed to sneer at the three young werewolves standing nervously, false bravado covering their young faces. "We want to join the Dark Lord." Malcolm, the oldest boy stated.

He was tall probably six and a half feet or so with blonde hair that stood in tufts as if he ran his hands through it often. The girl beside him, Izzy, was nearly a foot shorter thick wavy brown hair tumbling down her shoulders and a fearful uncertain look crossing her face. Given the choice she'd have stayed home, Izzy really didn't understand why they needed to choose a side in the first place.

Jacob, on the other side of Malcolm was only an inch or two taller than Izzy. He didn't stand as straight or confidently as Malcolm but something about him bespoke a quiet strength, a silent fury, that in other circumstances worked to keep others from tangling with his boisterous, overconfident cousin. That's what they were, Jacob and Malcolm, cousins. Jake's parents had been mauled, ripped apart the night he was infected, leaving the boy without parents, without home. Malcolm had stepped in, he was seven years older than Jake, seventeen himself at the time.

That was six years ago, it had been alright at first. They'd lived in small flat not too far from where they were now actually. That had change though, they'd been late one night, just one, late to lock him away for a full moon. Once he'd infected Malcolm he'd retreated in on himself, the last vestiges of carefree boyhood vanishing in his guilt.

For his part Malcolm had never held it against him. The taller blonde had joked, actually laughed about that being what he gets for not being faster with the locks. Jacob, frankly, didn't buy it he was sure way deep down that Malcolm resented him, wished he'd killed him rather than taking him in at all.

These thoughts and the guilt behind them were why Jake was there. While he did think they needed to choose a side, he didn't think this was probably the one that needed choosing. His parents had spoken frequently about hatred and blood status being a useless and closed minded concept. Really, he was nearly certain their strong stance against such beliefs was why they were gone now.

Remus watched the three, Izzy shifting nervously, Malcolm with his false bravado, and Jake, his expression quiet and calculating. "What do you three think you can bring our Lord." The middle figure all but hissed.

"We want to join you," Malcolm answered easily as if he didn't notice the tone of the man's voice, "we're tired of hiding from our fellow wizards for something we can't control. We wanna show them what it's like, what it feels like to be looked down on and rejected.

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