Death becomes her

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Snape continued to avoid the little girl, disappearing into his office around the time she appeared every day, sitting at the other end of the table during meals. It hurt Caelen but she wasn't fooled, she knew what he was doing and more than anything it angered her. She had taken to glaring down the table towards him during meals, her scowl equally as fierce as his.

The new year came and went and with it the weather changed from the winter wonderland that had existed during Christmas to a frozen, wet, world all grey and dreary. Caelen thought having the second task be in the water during such weather was crazy but no one had asked her opinion. She'd hated the waiting, unable to see where Harry and the others were or how they were doing. It was due to this that she'd requested to stay in their quarters during the last task.

Remus originally had vetoed the idea but after much begging, and the insistence that surely she'd be safe alone in their rooms while everyone else watched the final task, he'd caved agreeing if she'd promise to stay in their rooms she could remain behind. Remus was preparing to head down with the others now. He'd checked and triple checked that Caelen was set, and anything remotely dangerous was put away. "Alright cub I'm heading out now, I'm not going to put the charm on in case something happens and you have to get out." He paused waiting for her eyes to meet his, "I'm trusting you to stay put ok?"

Caelen nodded solemnly, "course daddy I promise. Let me know how it went as soon as it's over ok?"

Remus nodded his head before disappearing through the door. The first half hour or so Caelen spent reading she enjoyed reading it was a great way to pass the time. Eventually though, as children are apt to do, she grew bored. Caelen walked to their little kitchen climbing onto a chair to search the cupboards for a snack.

She sat, happily munching on a package of biscuits, chocolate crumbs scattered across her lips and chin. When the door creaked open she didn't react at first expecting it to be Remus, "hey daddy who won?" Caelen called from the kitchen.

The girl hopped off the counter, a handful of biscuits still clutched in her hand. "Daddy?" A cold chill ran up her spine at the sight that greeted her.

"Hello freak," her mother's cold cruel voice snapped, "you've been very very naughty hiding from mummy like that."

Caelen stood frozen, complete terror overtaking all other thoughts and senses. "How'd you f-find me?" She stuttered out in a small nervous voice.

"Oh it wasn't hard really," Gena bragged stalking towards the girl slowly as if she had all the time in the world. "once I knew you were with your father," she hissed father as if it were the dirtiest word she could imagine, "it doesn't take much thought to know he'd think you were safe here. Then it was just a matter of finding a time where people would be busy, distracted. I thought it would be harder than this, thought I'd have to sneak you away in the crowd at the tournament. Then you decided to help mummy out and stay behind, all by your lonesome, quite helpful really."

"H-how'd you find our r-rooms?" The girl stuttered again. She kept hoping Remus would appear and save her, maybe if she could keep her here talking long enough.

"Those darling little house elves are always too willing to help out," Gena responded her tone mocking and vicious, "all I had to do was find one and tell them I desperately wanted to see my kid. They were all too happy to lead the way, I hate to think what it will do to itself when it realizes what it's done." She laughed evilly at the thought of the poor elf she'd tricked trying to punish itself.

"Professor Dumbledore won't let the elf hurt itself," Caelen argued defensively.

Gena's eyes darkened angrily, "It won't matter freak, mumbledore isn't all he thinks he is." The woman reached forward the grabbing the girl's arm tight in her grip and tugging her towards the door.

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Where stories live. Discover now