The coming storm

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Remus had no sooner appeared in the ministry of magic, followed closely by Tonks, Madeye, Malcolm, and Jake, when a large silvery dog-like patronus appeared before him. Sirius' voice sounded from the creature, "Remmy, Harry thought I was being held at the ministry, Caelen followed him to Hogwarts through the floo, I've got her. Look after Harry for me, see you at headquarters after." 

His relief was nearly palpable as he scrubbed shaky hands down his face, "well that's one safe," he whispered quietly.

Tonks gripped his arm in reassurance, "she'll be safe with Sirius, Remus."

Remus smiled a right fearful smile before the sound of others apparating in distracted him. He nodded at Kingsley before everyone turned to Albus, waiting for instructions.

"All here then?" Dumbledore questioned taking count of those assembled. "Right then, we'll be headed to the department of mysteries, I believe you can lead us there Alastair."

Madeye nodded before heading for the lifts.

As they came to an empty chamber, doors on every side, Dumbledore took lead again wondering almost trance like he finally chose a door. "I suggest we apparate in, the battle has begun."

The rest of the evening was not nearly as calm or orderly as those first few moments had been. The order members fought valiantly, casting hexes, jinxes, and curses at rapid fire rates. Remus found himself teamed with Harry close to the dais and the mysterious veiled arch.

He'd always found the thing a bit unsettling, the whispers it emitted, as if souls of the lost stood unseen just past the curtain. Remus found himself glancing toward it wearily from the corner of his eye as he cast jinxes and shields, intent on protecting his dear friend's son. For a moment he smiled imagining James urging him on, laughing in triumph as a well placed spell took down a death eater here or a shield protected an order member or teen there. Or lily smiling smugly when he used one of the hexes she'd helped him master in school, she'd always been the best study partner.

Remus would reflect later that he should have known better than to become so absorbed in the fight in front of him he forgot to watch for others. He barely glimpsed the red light speeding towards him, Harry's desperate shout of his name, before it struck sending him flying backwards off the dais and onto the floor where he remained.

It was like sleeping, that wakeful place where you're not quite awake so the world around you seems like a dream. He could vaguely make out Bellatrix's mad laughter and Harry's anguished scream. The room seemed to settle then and he wondered where he was. Was he still in the ministry? Had he died? Had Harry survived? His heart began to pound frantically as he considered the possibility that he'd failed, perhaps he hadn't protected Harry enough. Were they both dead? How had this happened? A million thoughts ran through his head before he even noticed the pain. Pain? All through his head and back from where he'd been thrown to the hard stone floor. Slowly he began to acknowledge the pain and frantic pace of his breathing and heartbeat. Not dead then. He thought to himself, attempting unsuccessfully to move any part of his body.

"Enervate" a voice whispered over him before pink hair flashed into view. "Remus? You ok?" Tonks questioned worriedly helping him into a sitting position.

"Where's Harry? What happened?"

"Nearly lost you mate," Malcolm replied, his trademark grin spreading across his face. "You're just lucky my little cousin's so quick on his feet."

Jake rolled his eyes shrugging out from under the taller boy's arm. "Rather dumb to position yourself so near the veil." He grumbled rubbing his shoulder as he did so.

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن