Ch.1 First day

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The bell rang, I was already late on my first day. I was lost I had no clue where to go, the school was mammoth. I made a sharp turn around the corner of the hall and bumped into something. "Ouch!" My voice was loud, I had fallen to my knees I looked up. "Huh, oh Crap I'm sorry!" I had bumped into a girl!
"Haha, it's okay don't worry about it are you okay?" She helped me up, I smiled, "Yes thank you."
"Are you new?" Her voice was soft and cheerful, "Yes, but I'm actually quite lost do you mind helping me find my class?"
"Sure, who's your professor?"
I quickly took out my schedule, "I believe his name is Stein." Her eyes widened, she took my hand and we began to sprint down the hall. My lungs began to burn, we finally stopped. I looked up and there was a sign that read Class Cresent Moon. I finally caught my breath, but before I knew it the girl had pushed me inside and I was now standing in front of the class. I was confused, I turned and the girl was still there she walked up to the professor and whispered something in his ear. The professor approached me and smiled, he turned to the class and began to speak, "Class today we have a new student joining us today, her name is Katherine."
I awkwardly waved hello, "Katherine it's nice to meet you, I'm Maka." It was the same girl, we shook hands.
"You too Maka." I smiled I was pleased to meet someone new.

After class Maka gave me a tour around the campus. We made it to the roof of the school, the roof over looked all of Death City. "So where's your weapon Maka?"
"Oh, probably with his best friend."
"I see." We both admired the sunset as the sun laughed it's way down, and the moon's smile was slowly appearing. "What about you Katherine, where's your weapon?"
"Please call me Kat."
"My weapon decided to ditch the first day of school actually, he said he wanted to try and make friends or something." I chuckled at the end of my phrase, "Haha, he reminds me of my weapon." We both smiled, "So, how did you get into the academy?" Maka's voice was now serious, she was different from anyone I've ever met. "Well, Death The Kid actually insisted I attend the academy."
"Really, how?" Maka looked surprised
"Well, Lord Death had sent his son Death The Kid to kill the legendary time traveling demon. He was having a bit of trouble trying to kill it, since this demon was different from the rest. Most demons become weaker the older they get, but this demon-"
"Got stronger the older it was, right?"
"Exactly Maka, anyway Adam and I were near the area and decided to help him. In the end Adam and I killed the demon, and saved Death The Kid. After that he asked Adam and I to attend the academy, and now here we are."
"Adams your weapon, right?" Maka was now looking at the sky, "Yes that right."
"So I guess the rumors are true."
"Huh, what do you mean by that Maka?"
"Oh, nothing it's just amazing how you and your weapon were able to do that, I think that took a lot of courage to accomplish." She was now facing me, "Say Kat, since you killed this demon isn't your weapon able to time travel?"
"Oh, I don't know. It was weird before Adam ate the demons soul, it enveloped the both of us and then faded away. So I don't even know if we can even time travel, but it would be awesome."
"Hey, if you could time travel anywhere, where would it be?"
"The Victorian Era!" All of a sudden I heard footsteps approaching us, and laughter, "What the heck is that?" My voice was stern, "I don't know" Maka also became serious. Then I heard Adams voice, "Kat!"
"Adam, what the heck are you doing up here?"
"I could ask you the same." I was annoyed by his petty statement, I rolled my eyes "Whatever."
I turned to face Maka, but she was still looking at Adam. I turned back around, then I saw a boy with white hair standing next to Adam.
"Soul, what are you doing here?" Maka looked just as annoyed as I did before, "Just showing my new friend the campus." The boy smiled at Maka, "I see, well Soul meet Katherine she's your friends mister."
Soul approached me we shook hands, "It's nice to meet you, Katherine."
"Please call me Kat."
Soul turned to face Adam, "Hey your mister's pretty cute." I looked back at Maka, her face was bright red she was pissed. Soul noticed Maka's expression and began to apologize to her. I quietly laughed, I walked towards Adam, "So what happened to you not coming to school?"
He blushed, "Well, um I just-"
"Never mind" I smiled, he began to blush even more. I walked back to Maka, "So when do we start hunting demons?"
"Tonight!" Maka expression was serious, I looked at soul he smirked as if he were agreeing with his mister. There was no doubt she wasn't joking, we were going demon hunting.

The moons wicked smile illuminated all of Death City, a cold mist filled the air the city was dead silent. "So Maka, why are we on the schools roof top, again?" Adam voice was a bit shaky, he was cold. "Well this roof top has the best view of the entire city."
"Will others join us?" My voice was shaky as well, wearing a skirt wasn't exactly fighting attire.
"Yes, Kid will join us tonight since Black Star can't make it." Maka stood on the edge of the roof top as if she were admiring it's height.
"Right, who's Black Star?" Both me and Adam spoke at the same time. Maka chuckled, "He's another mister, don't worry about him though we have to concentrate on finding some demons to hunt."
"Adam, Kat I'm glad your here." I turned around it was Kid and Soul. "Happy to see you too Kid." Maka spoke before I had the chance to, she walked away from the ledge. She walked towards Soul, he quickly transformed into his weapon form. "A scythe, awesome!" Adam was surprised, Maka smiled "Yeah, he looks quiet handy now, but his pretty useless when it comes to a real fight." We all laughed.
"Alright then let's get started!" Kid pulled out two pistols, "I sensed some crazy wavelengths just before coming here it was in the middle of the city, I think we should go down there. Adam I suggest you transform into your weapon form, it will heighten your meisters ability to sense demon souls."
"Alright." Adam transformed into his weapon form, a bow. Maka looked confused, "Where are your arrows?"
"When I fight Adam turns my soul wavelength into arrows, which has a bigger effect on demons rather than regular arrows."
"I see, that's amazing." Maka smiled,
"Alright then, let's go."
Both me and Maka nodded, Kid leaped from the roof and began to sprint down the stairs, Maka and I followed.
We finally arrived at the center of the city. I felt a dark wavelength wrap around us. I turned to Kid, "Where's the demon?" He whispered," I don't know but we have to be quiet otherwise it will-"
All of a sudden the demon was standing in front of us, it's dark wavelength shadowed over us. "We were fooled." Kid was infuriated "What! How!" I continued, "Simple, the demon disguised itself and waited for us to fall into its trap." I began to sprint towards the demon, "At this point it's either kill or be killed!" I shot an arrow at its leg which pierced right through its skin and released a flow of blood. Maka and Kid followed with counter attacks, just as Kid was about to give the final blow. Another demon appeared behind the one we were battling."What the hell?" I took a step back from where I stood, "Watch out Kat!" I heard Maka's voice from a distance, the first demon was heading towards me. I prepared myself, "Okay Adam let's end this bastard!" I held my bow in front of me, and began to concentrate on our next move. "Are you ready?" I spoke through my wavelength, "Yes" Adam spoke back.

Behind me Maka and Kid were fighting the second demon, it shrieked in pain, as it slowly died. The demon in front of me was coming closer and closer, "Now! Let's go Soul Resonance!" My soul wavelength wrapped around Adam and I, Adam evolved from a bow to a crossbow. "Kat, your wavelength isn't stable so we only have one shot." Adam was worried about me, I tried to reassure him "Don't worry we only need one shot."
I focused the crossbow on the demons soul, since that was the weakest area. All at once a familiar aura began to surround me, it belonged to the time traveling demon we had slayed. It's dark red wavelength wrapped around me, just a few seconds before the demon in front of me reached me I pulled the trigger. My body felt limb and I collapsed to the floor.
It took a couple of seconds for me to regain consciousness. I felt weak, "Adam was right I couldn't control my wavelength." I placed my hand on my head, and felt a thick liquid run down my face, I looked at my hand it was blood. "I must have hit my head." I slowly got up from the ground, and finally noticed my surroundings I was in the middle of a forest. I had no clue how I got here, or where Adam was? I had no choice but to ignore those thoughts and focus on tending to my wounds. I stumbled through the forest and found a dirt road, I began to make my way across it. But my energy was completely drained I collapsed in the middle of the road. I heard the sound of horses approaching me, the floor shook as the horses stopped. I heard footsteps approaching me, and I felt as I were being lifted from the ground. The last thing I saw were dark red eyes staring at me, as he spoke, "Yes my lord." Then my world went black.

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