Ch.2 Hello, Phantomhive

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My head was pounding when I woke up. "Where the hell am I?" I looked around, I was in a Victorian styled room, the furniture was antique. I gazed outside the window, it was dark and the rain scraped against the window pane. Then it hit me, "Adam! Where's Adam?" I got up and started to pace around the room, I remembered I was in the middle of a attack and then I fainted. But everything else was a blur.
"I need to get out of here and rethink the situation."
I stopped pacing, there was a knock on the door, then the handle turned and the butler walked in.
"Good evening. My master would like to have a word with you, would you care to get dressed and meet him there at the dinning hall?"
I looked down I was wearing a night gown, I quickly panicked. I thought to myself where the hell had I left my clothing? I looked back at the butler, he extended his hands to reveal my school uniform. It glistened in the candle light, "I hope you don't mind I took the liberty of cleaning it. It did had a bit of dirt stains on it." He handed me my uniform, I smiled but I didn't say a word. He returned the smile and left the room, I sighed "I need to get out of here, and find Adam." I quickly got dressed and made my to the dinning hall.
"Adam, are you okay?" I could hear Maka's voice in the distance. It was still dark, the moon and its light had somehow vanished behind the mist of clouds. I transformed back into my regular self. Then it hit me Kat had disappeared, "What happened?" Kid was standing next to me I shook my head in response.
"I don't know, one minute we're Resonating and the next Kat is gone." Kid looked at Maka for confirmation then he spoke, "While you two were resonating there was this red aura that wrapped around her and after she shot the arrow, she disappeared."
"I see, well is there any way we can trace her?" I looked at Kid, I was worried about Kat this has never happened before.
Maka looked at me,"You can always try to resonate and see if she picks up your soul wavelength." I smiled, "This could work, alright I'll try it." Maka and Kid distanced themselves from me. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my soul wavelength, "Let's go Soul Resonance!"
I knocked, and the doors swung open. The dinning hall was huge, it looked as if it were meant for royalty. The butler showed me to my seat, I sat down and looked below to fix my skirt. "A-hm!" I quickly looked up, a young boy was sitting right in front of me, I didn't notice him. I panicked and gave him a faint smile, "I'm sorry I didn't notice you there." He gave me a smirk, "I see, well I suppose it happens. I am Ciel Phantomhive, I am the earl of this estate. Oh, and that over there is my butler Sebastian." His butler stood next to him, he had deep red eyes and black tail coat that was just as dark as the night sky. I tried to keep my calm, this kid looked a bit intimidating. "I just noticed you don't have an accent, are you not from here?" He kept looking at me, I replied "Your right I'm not from here to be honest I'm actually lost."

"I see, why was it that you collapse in the middle of the road?" His voice sharpened I felt as if I was being interrogated. I thought carefully about my response, "I can't really remember I just didn't feel well." I guess lying was the only option I had left, all of a sudden I sensed a familiar wavelength calling to me. "Adam?"

"Excuse me?" The young earl looked confused, I panicked "Oh, I just remembered Adam is the person who I got separated from while walking through the forest."

"Oh...I see." The young boy went back to his serious expression. The rain began to pour harder and harder, the earl continued with his conversation as I searched around the room, for what I felt was Adam's wavelength. All of a sudden I heard a loud bang, the earl had slammed his hand on the table and was now standing "Excuse me, but is this conversation a little to boring for you?!" I had completely lost track of my actions in my desperate search for what I thought was Adam's wavelength. I looked back at him surprised "U-uh no." I paused,"It's just my mind is somewhere else." I could feel he was annoyed I needed to get out of this estate and look for Adam. "I just think I need some fresh air." He looked displeased, but then sighed "Ugh, very well then this conversation was honestly staring to get a little pointless if you ask me. There is nothing more annoying then talking to an ignorant commoner. Sebastian show her the way out!"

I began making my way outside the estate when I heard the earl call out to me, "You, don't think that you can just leave. You still need to repay me for helping you!" All at once I felt a rage burn up within me, who the hell did this little brat think he was talking to? But I had to keep my cool, my only priority was looking for Adam. "Alright!" I stepped out into the pouring rain then a sudden burst of lightning illuminated the sky. At this point I could hear Adam's voice, I distanced my self from the estate and made my way into the thick forest I was once in. "I think this is a good enough distance." I began to Yell, "Adam! Adam where the hell are you?!" I waited a while and there was no response "Adam! where are you?" I waited once more at this point I was completely drenched from head to toe. The thunder crackled and then I heard Adam "Kat Resonate!" I nodded to myself, "So that's how you were able to communicate!" I laughed "Alright, then let's go soul resonance!"

All at once, I saw a red wavelength begin to blend into my own, I was shocked how was this happening? Did I somehow inherit the demons power after defeating it? The wavelength grew stronger and began to form a portal in front of me. All of a sudden Adam appeared on the other side. The red wavelength disappeared and all that was left was the pouring rain, I smiled "I am glad to see you." Adam laughed "Yeah so am I, where the hell are we by the way?" I shrugged, "I don't know but we should leav-" I was cut off when I heard a familiar voice finish my phrase "I don't think that was what we agreed on." The young earl stood a couple feet away from us, I was startled. Had he been watching me this whole time? His butler stood behind Adam and I, he escorted us back to the estate. I kept quite until we arrived, "Excuse me, but were you following me the whole time?"

The earl took off his cloak, he glared at me "And if I was." I looked back at him with a stern face I had enough of this little brat. He smirked "Don't worry neither Sebastian nor I were following you, but you sure did take your sweet time." I did't respond, I looked at Adam he was obviously confused with the whole situation, but he kept a calm expression. "You there, you must be Adam, I heard you and this young girl got lost in the woods." I nodded to Adam so he could follow along with my made up story. Adam spoke, "Yes, and all she did was try to find me outside." The young earl stood in front of both Adam and I "Alright then, I had made up my mind."

Adam looked back at me with a confused face, the earl continued "You two will have to repay me for granting you both hospitality." I looked back at the earl, "Um- excuse me but your wrong you only provided me hospitality not Adam." He looked back at me, "Then where will both of you stay tonight?" I felt my face grow red with embarrassment, the earl kept speaking "You will become my temporary servants, until I feel you both have repaid me with your work." Adam and I stood in complete shock, "Sebastian here will help you acquire the skills you need to be a true Phantomhive servant." I looked at Sebastian he stood smiling beside his master, I couldn't believe this was happening. I had only been in the DWMA for a day, and now I was in another era being forced to be a bratty little earls servant.

I looked at the earl, "What's a true Phantomhive servant?" Sebastian stepped in to answer his masters question, "My dear a true servant must have both skill and loyalty. I assure you the job of the servant is not only to keep the young master content, but to protect the estate in which the earl lives in." The earl took control of the conversation once more he faced his butler, "Starting tomorrow you shall teach these two the skills of a Phantomhive servant, do I make my self clear?" The butler knelt on one knee and responded to his master "Yes my lord."

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