Ch.3 Murder List

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I woke up the following morning with a lingering feeling of annoyance. I opened my eyes to see I was still in the manor. I got up and let out a heavy sigh, I was exhausted from the night before.
I lifted myself from the bed and quickly put on my school uniform. I missed the academy, but I needed to find a good opportunity of escaping from this manor in order to return back to my era. I met with Adam at the dinning hall, Sebastian was already there prepping for the earls breakfast. He looked at both of us with a smirk, "Good morning, today we shall begin your training as the young earls servants." He walked passed us and away from the dinning hall we followed him to the outside of the manor. He finally stopped in front of the garden, he turned to us and began to speak, "Alright then besides cleaning and attending the young masters wishes, you must also learn to protect this estate as well as the master himself." I looked at Sebastian and laughed "Are you serious a kid like him needs this much protection." "Yes, well my master is quite troublesome at times which is why he needs to be protected." Sebastian held a stern look, I quietly stopped my laughter. Adam interfered, "Okay, so what kind of protection are you talking about?" 

"I'm glad you asked." The earl was standing behind Adam and me, he walked past us and stood next to Sebastian. "Lets just say there are some people who do not approve of the way I promote my authority throughout England." Sebastian chuckled "Well said master, very well then today we shall see what weapon suits you two best." My body stiffened "A weapon?!" I turned to Adam he looked just as shocked as I was. Sebastian walked towards a table that displayed an array of weapons. The earl took a hand gun and tossed it towards Adam. He then took a crossbow and tossed it at me, "Your training starts now." 

Sebastian stood in front of both Adam and I, "You two shall try and protect the young master while I attack you. Now remember if you fail to protect him then you will never be able to repay him for his kind hospitality." I was annoyed with Sebastian's sarcasm, the earl stood behind Adam and me, while our backs were towards him. We stood our ground protecting the young earl from Sebastian upcoming attacks. Before Sebastian began his attack, I walked towards Adam and whispered in his ear, "Whatever you do don't use any of your abilities in front of them, who knows what they would do if they found out." Adam nodded back at me and I walked back to my position. The earl hissed at me, "What did you just tell him?" I smiled back and replied, "I told him to give it all he has, because after all it is our job to protect our defenseless young earl."

The earls face resonated an extreme anger. I decided to ignore it and focus on Sebastian who was beginning to approach us. "What kind of weapon do you think Sebastian chose?" Adam called out, but before I knew it I saw Sebastian holding kitchen knifes in his hands and aiming them at us. I dodged his knifes, I remained in the same spot protecting the earl I aimed my crossbow and shot it. It managed to slice through Sebastian's jacket. He looked displeased and made his way back towards us. Adam prepared his hand gun and shot at him, but he couldn't hit him. Sebastian proceeded at throwing his knifes at us, one of the knifes managed to graze my left leg. I felt the blood trickle down my leg, this infuriated me. Sebastian was standing right in front of me, I ran towards him tossing my crossbow aside. I threw the first punch but he dodged it, I felt one of the knifes slice through my side, I grunted. I distanced myself from him and yelled back to Adam who was near the young earl, "Switch!"
Adam ran forward towards Sebastian and I retreated back to protecting the young earl. The earl looked at me with a smirk "Not bad, that was actually a very clever idea of switching with your partner. It's definitely a good way of conserving ones energy." I smiled, and focused my attention on Sebastian who was giving Adam a side kick to the head. I couldn't bare it any longer but I knew that if I were to give Sebastian a fair fight that would mean using my abilities. I clenched my fist, I could feel my blood dripping from the wounds I received earlier. I took a deep breath, "Switch!"
Adam looked away from Sebastian and made his way towards me and the young earl. I stood my ground, I calmly took a breathe and recollected my thoughts. "Hey Kat what now?" Adams voice sounded tired I responded, "We wait."
"Huh... what?!" Adam tensed up, I sighed "We should try a different approach and allow him to come to us." Adam nodded,"Sounds good to me." We both waited Sebastian slowly walked towards us and smiled, "So you two just don't give up do you?" 

This time Sebastian was the first one to throw the first punch. I dodged it and threw a kick which managed to hit his side. I threw another punch aiming at his face, but he caught my hand. He smirked, I clenched my teeth and grabbed onto his wrist with my other hand. I twisted my body around, my back was now facing him. I held tightly to his wrist and began to lift him from the ground and in a sudden movement I slammed his back onto the pavement. His face was looking directly at me as he lay on the ground, he was shocked. I panted, I let his wrist go and he let go of my hand.
I walked to Adam and took his hand gun and stood directly on top of Sebastian. I pointed the gun at his head and looked at the earl. He was surprised, but he finally managed to speak, "Put that gun down your done with your training." I tossed the gun to floor and took a step away from Sebastian I turned back to the earl and grinned, "Yes my lord." 
The earl walked away with a smirk painted on his face, I felt a swelling anger fill me. I turned to Sebastian who was already standing up, he barley looked tired, "Very well done I am very impressed. Now if you two don't mind following me back to the earls study, he would like to speak to you. We can attend to your wounds later."

We walked back into the manor and passed a number of rooms. Sebastian finally stopped in front of a door way, he carefully opened it. Inside was the young earl quietly sitting behind his desk. The earls desk held stacks of documents and folders, he quietly held a serious look as we entered. Sebastian walked towards the young earl and stood beside him. The room filled itself was with an unbearable silence, the earl finally spoke "Alright then regarding today you two are-." The earls voice came to a sudden halt as soon as Sebastian handed him a letter. The earl quickly opened it and began to read it, once again the room was filled with silence. With a sudden move the earl slammed his fist on the desk and crumbled the letter in his hand. The room echoed with his anger, for the first time I felt concerned for him. He stood from his seat and walked towards Adam and me, he held the letter in his hand. 

The earl took a deep breathe and began to speak, "I was quite impressed with your performance today, you two are very highly skilled. That being said I'm afraid your debt is still not repaid, so from today on you two shall help me with my new affair. I have been recently charged with murder by the queen, apparently someone has been killing important business men from the underground trading exports. I am the underground authority, that guards the queens wishes. In other words I have the power to kill anyone from the underground if her highness wishes it, but since the queen did not send me to kill any of these men." The earl paused and took another shallow breathe, "Then they were murdered, and I am the only possible suspect. However, her highness has given me a day to prove my innocence. If I do not comprise a list of everyone who was murdered as well as find the true killer, then I will be detained and be relinquished of my title of the queens guard dog as well as executed." 

I bit my lip, I could feel that I wasn't going to go back to the Academy any time soon. The earl held the crumpled letter in his hand and threw it to the floor. "I need the both of you to help me with this affair only then will I allow you both to leave. Ah, you two can also start addressing me as Ciel, I would actually prefer that given the fact that you two will no longer assist me through house chores. Now you two will protect me, I will use you as my pawns to insure that my title remains under the Phantomhive name."

I glanced at Adam for a slight moment. He lightly nodded his head, I sighed and walked forward to the earl, "Alright then ea- I mean Ciel, when do we start?" His expression remained serious, "Tonight, I think I have an idea of who can help us." Curiosity began to creep its way into my mind, "Who?" Sebastian gave a devious grin, "A man that goes by the name Undertaker."    

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