Ch.4 Hunting the enemy

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The cool air paved it's way through the abandoned streets. It was a perfect night to go hunting, and a perfect time to be hunted. I walked along side Adam who was shivering. He looked at me,
"How are you not freezing?" I smiled and shrugged, my DWMA uniform was comprised of a black plaited skirt and a black and white collared jacket. In the middle of the jacket laid a white tie that connected to the collar, the tie resembled Lord Deaths face. I turned away from Adam to see if we were heading in the right direction. Ciel had instructed us to keep a look out for any strange activity before meeting with them at the Undertakers shop.
We finally approached our destination, the sign read Undertaker. Adam walked towards the entrance and slowly began to twist the door knob, all of a sudden a burst of laughter echoed from the establishment. This sudden laughter was enough to make Adam fall on the ground from such a shocking laugh. I smiled at Adams confused expression, his face turned red from embarrassment.
I proceeded into the shop and found Ciel and Sebastian interrogating a peculiar looking man. The man sat comfortably on a coffin, his face was covered by his gray hair and his sleeves were long enough to conceal his hands. He held his sleeve to his mouth to cover his smile.
Adam stood beside me, I approached Ciel and reported that there was no sign of strange activity. The man looked at me and smiled,
"Hmm well hello there, a new friend of the young earl?" Ciel looked back at him, "Ahh yes this is... ugh."
I interrupted him and began to speak "Katherine, but everyone just calls me Kat." I turned to Ciel with a look of displeasure. He looked away from the obvious mistake he had committed of forgetting my name. I turned back to the man,
"Hehe it seems you and the young earl aren't really friends, how sad. Anyway my name is Undertaker and I am the owner of this shop, I also on occasion help the young earl with his duties for the queen."
He stood from where he sat and walked directly towards me, the atmosphere changed rapidly. I could sense that this man wasn't ordinary, his wavelength felt something other than human. Ciel finally snapped, "Alright Undertaker enough, I have paid you already and it's time you start giving me some answers!" Sebastian stood beside his master the red in his eyes glistened in the dim light, he reminded me of a shadow. A shadow that darkened whatever it's master ordered it to.
Undertaker gave a shallow sigh and directed his attention to Ciel.
"It makes sense that the queen would blame her faithful gaurd dog, afterall you were the only one capable of these murders."
He grinned at Sebastian, and continued to talk, "These victims all came from the underground trading export. That is one thing they share in common, but the other is..."
He paused as if teasing the young earl, "The other is, they were all brutally murdered by something of extreme cutting strength."
Sebastian covered his mouth with his hand and hid a tiny grin,
"Something with extreme strength you say? Thoes words do sound a bit familiar." Ciel looked away from the Undertaker and glared at Sebastian, "Tell me what you know."
The butler placed his hand on his side to expose his words, "Certainly my lord. I do recall a certain reaper telling me that his sythe was capable of cutting anything."
Ciel's glare intensified, he stormed out of the shop and Sebastian tailed behind him, Adam and I followed. As we exited the shop we heard the Undertaker call from behind us, "Goodbye young earl!"
As soon as I left the establishment my stomach dropped I didn't know that reapers existed in this era, and if so that meant that lord death was not the only reaper.
Ciel continued walking he finally came to a stop at the corner of a lamp post.
"It's Grell, isn't Sebastian!" Ciel's wavelength emitted a sense of uncontrollable anger. Sebastian grinned back at his young lord,
"My lord I'm glad you remembered." Sebastian's comment only infuriated Ciel,
"That bastard! Sebastian this is an order find Grell and bring him to me. I want to know exactly what his motives are. In the meantime Adam and Kat will assist me in finding Grell's next target." Sebastian turned away from his master and disappeared into the abandoned streets of London.
Ciel let out a heavy sigh,
"Ugh alright so far all of these killings have occurred near Londons harbor. I remember there being five different business men in charge of the trading exports near there. Four of them are already dead so that leaves one of them. Except I don't know who is the last business man remaining, however I do know that all of their trading exports dealt with the transportation of illegal weaponry."
Adam responded,
"Then I guess that's our best bet." Ciel nodded, we began to make our way to the harbor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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