Chapter Twenty One

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There was a tense silence, after which Anya snapped something out in their language and Rafe responded, his voice much calmer.

The child in my arms let out a whimper and I stepped away from them, not wanting her to hear any of what they were saying.

I rubbed my hand soothingly on her back, and softly cooed a melody my dad once said my mom used to sing to me.

I was humming the end of it when Rafe walked up to me from behind.

"She is asleep," he told me, coming to stand in front of me.

I didn't say anything. Unsure what I could say.

I cleared my throat then.

"Thank you," I said, tilting my head in the direction of where the whole incident had just happened.

Rafe looked over my head, "She had a bad day."

"Sure, sure." I murmured and Rafe looked back at me and raised an eyebrow.

I gave him an innocent look. "What?" I asked.

He shook his head and he continued to take me around the nursery, introducing me to the other children, while I carried the sleeping child in my arms the whole time.

When it was time to leave, I placed her back in her little cradle, being careful not to wake her.

I could feel the strain in my arms from having carried her for so long, the pain was sweet. It reminded me of the few hours of trust the child had bestowed on me.

As I walked out of the nursery, I was thinking about how I wouldn't ever give up the chance to come here again, even if I could.


I turned around and saw Rafe press a finger to his lips and beckon me to him with two fingers. I looked behind me at the others who were heading to the Hover. 

Curious, I walked to Rafe and watched as he placed his bracelet against the Identity Screen and then after he removed his hand, gestured that I place mine.

My eyes widened, "Are you sure?" I asked.

Rafe nodded slowly, his eyes locked on mine.

I followed his instructions and placed my bracelet against the Identity Screen. The screen lit up and went off.

I was now allowed unrestricted access to the Infant Centre.

I looked up at him, "Thank you." I murmured.

He nodded his head at me and both of us silently followed the trail taken by others to the Hover. We were silent the whole time we sat next to each other on the Hover. I pulled out my communication device to check what work I was assigned to next.

Kitchen Duty.

"Are we going to the Kitchens?" I asked Rafe quietly, turning my head to the side to look at him while leaning back on the seat.

He mirrored my pose and nodded at me and our eyes met and both of us just looked at each other.

I traced the lines of his face with my eyes.

What are you thinking, I thought.

He eyes seemed to be asking questions of his own that I couldn't understand. His eyes moved between the both of mine. I was acutely aware of the pace of my speeding heart.

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