Chapter Forty Nine

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I'm super super sorry that I'm updating so late. BUT, this time, thank God, I have an excuse. I was sick. Like super sick. Not even the kind of sick that normal people are. But a virus that probably even Superman wouldn't have been able to fight. #Truth.

So, forgive me?

Maybe I'll reveal more than I should in this chapter and that way we can all go back to being in love again! <3  

The song is Don't Let Me Down by Chainsmokers. Something about it reminded me of Amour. *smirks while letting that sink in*


I stayed quiet, letting Kylee absorb what the C'Riel nurse had just said. When the nurse looked like she was about to continue, I surreptitiously shook my head at her. She immediately quietened, realizing her patient needed some time to get acclimated to the idea that she was...more than three months pregnant. 

Like Rafe had promised, the nurse came straight to his room and spread out a bunch of instruments, that I wouldn't have been able to recognize even if I had a manual with me, and got down to checking Kylee. Then in a matter of fact tone, she told us that she could give us only the basic information because she didn't have all the equipments she needed. When Rafe nodded-because that was who she was addressing her statements to-she revealed to us that Kylee had started her second trimester.

My eyes had immediately flicked to Kylee, who froze, her gaze glimmering with unshed tears. I waited for a few more minutes before I realized that she was probably in shock. 

I let out a breath and nodded at the nurse, "Please continue."

Again, she looked to Rafe for confirmation; I watched as Rafe's eyes narrowed at the obvious disrespect she'd just shown to me. I sighed. 

"This is really not the time for this. Please continue." I said, my eyes lingering meaningfully at the nurse's letting her know that she was annoying my ethrés. Her eyes widened and she looked away, clearing her throat. She then squared her shoulders and continued to speak.

"It would seem that something has accelerated the growth rate of the fetus. The growth rate does not match the gestation period that was calculated when the possibility of inter-species copulation arose." 

I made a face at the her choice of words, but she ignored me and continued, "The approximate estimate had been a year. But this..." she paused, her eyes flickering to Kylee-who was staring absently at the wall, her thoughts God knows where. 

"This is...too fast." she said, her expression betraying her wariness and worry. 

"What do you suppose the reason for the faster-than-normal growth is?" I asked softly, my eyes flitting worriedly to Kylee and back to the dark blueish eyed C'Riel before me. 

Her eyes flicked to Rafe, who was standing beside me while I sat on the very human sofa. His arms were crossed, his skin almost glowing in the light. He still hadn't suited up and frankly, I wasn't sure why. 

Were everybody allowed to see his marks now? 

I shook my head. Now was not the time. We had more important things to do. 

"Nothing you have not already concluded, I'm sure." She told Rafe, as if he were the one asking her questions. I sighed, when he shifted beside me, his muscles bunching. I looked up and caught his gaze, hoping to convey that I wanted him to be patient. He stilled when he met my eyes, his own slitting before he tossed a curt nod my way, letting me know he understood. 

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