Chapter Fifty Six

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My family lost someone a few days ago. And though he wasn't related to us by blood, he was family in every other way. And this chapter is dedicated to him. He was the kindest and gentlest man in the world and it was not fair that he was taken from us.

I wanted to make this chapter epic for him. 

And I hope it is.

This one is for you, G. We miss you. You will always be remembered.


My hands were crossed behind my back, with long metallic strips that snapped close across my wrists. This entrapment was designed to see to it that if I even shivered, the strips would tighten and cut off the flow of blood. It was the stinging punishment I had received for twisting my hands in an attempt to release myself from its hold as soon as it I had opened my eyes. So, I stayed carefully still as I stared down the barrel of the laser gun, my eyes slipping past it to look into the eyes of my killer. The gun staring me in the face quivered slightly and I grabbed onto that little humanity left in my killer and appealed to it. 

"Is this is how you want to repay him, after everything?" I asked my killer. 

"I just want him back..." my killer whispered, the tear that had been building in her eye, slipping onto her cheek, silently. 

My eyes narrowed, "What are you talking about?" I asked.

A few hours earlier...

I was roused by a gentle kiss on my forehead and I opened my eyes, blinking up into deep amber eyes. I stretched before I sat up. Then, everything came rushing back to me and I felt the weight of it weigh me down by the shoulders. I looked up at him. He was already watching me, his eyes solemn. 

"I didn't realise I fell asleep." I said, my voice hoarse. I tried to discreetly clear my throat. 

"You needed the rest." was all he said. 

I nodded, "What time is it?" I asked, "How long did I sleep?"

"Almost morning," he said, "You slept for a few hours." 

I let out a breath, pressing my wrists into my burning eyes. I dropped my hands and he saw the determination on my face. He gave me a swift nod. 

"Let's go." he said. 

I nodded, lifting myself off the bed, pulling my hair up and out of my way into a ponytail. Nerves clenched my stomach at the thought of the unknown, but when Rafe came to my side and took my hand in his, almost absently, as he scrolled through something on his communication device, the nerves just vanished at the face of...him. Just him. Only him.

He seemed to have felt something, because he looked away from the device, lifting the hand he was holding in his to press a kiss to it. I smiled at him, tugging him closer for a hug. He let me take him into my arms, pressing a kiss to the side of my head, before wrapping his own arms around me. I took a deep breath, imagining that with every bit of air that entered me, I was being filled with courage. 

I leaned back. 

"Let's go." he said and I followed him. 

We headed straight to the elevator and down to the main entrance. I watched as he had the doors open so that we could step out. Once we had, I waited for a minute as he brought a Hover motorbike out from behind the building where they were all parked-I presume. I hopped onto it, sliding as close to him as possible, wrapping my arms around his middle and pressing my lips to his shoulder before turning my face into his back and pressing my cheeks against him. My eyes closed on their own.  

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