Chapter Fifty Five

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When the doors slid open again, I slowly lifted myself off the floor, one hand braced behind me on the wall of the elevator, the other wiping at my face. I stepped out of the elevator and sighed as the doors shut behind me. When I looked before me...I froze. 

What floor was this? I couldn't recognise this floor. Had I pressed the wrong digit? I turned around to press the digit that would summon the elevator, but the digit didn't seem to be working. My brows furrowed and I dropped my hand. I turned around, tucking my hair behind my ears.

I seriously don't want to be attacked or kidnapped again, please. A brief period of nothing happening would be great, thanks. 

As I took a single step, a door to the farthest corner opened and I froze. Was someone coming out? When no one stepped out, I waited to see if the door would close. That didn't happen either. I sighed. Was I supposed to enter that room? 

Did I want to enter that room? 

I was contemplating all this, when someone stepped out of the room and leant against the threshold. I practically jumped out of my skin with surprise when it happened, it was only when I noticed who it was, did my heart beat start settling back to normal. I pressed a hand to my heart and let out another sigh. 

"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked him, lifting my eyes to glare at him. 

"No, I'm actually trying to save you." he said, taking a few steps out of the room and towards me. 

I straightened, meeting his deep maroon eyes. 

"How did you escape?" I asked him. 

"The asshole who attacked you, walked into the room I was imprisoned in like he owned it and helped me escape." 

"Why did you take his help? I'm already finding it hard to prove your sort-of innocence to Rafe, and you just keep adding to the your list of values!" I said,  crossing my arms over my chest. 

"I had to go." Ace said, his own stance mirroring mine. 

I rolled my eyes, dropping my hands, "Let me guess, you had to go because..." I pretended to think about it and snapped my fingers, "It was a way to save our lives?"

Ace frowned, "I should have left you to die," he said, turning to walk towards the still open door, "Could have saved myself from having to listen to all your attitude." 

I rolled my eyes and made stuck my tongue at him behind his back, but followed him. 

He stepped in and shut the door behind him. This room was much like Rafe's Gigantor room. At the thought of his name, a slice of pain slid its way back into my heart, and I rubbed at the place near my heart absently. 

Ace watched me silently, "So I take it he told you?" he asked finally after a few minutes of silence.

"What gave it away?" I asked, sarcastically, because I knew I had to look like something one of their Hovers had dragged behind through the rain.

Ace just shrugged, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. He looked so much better. His wounds had healed beautifully and there were only very pale marks left of the injuries to prove they had ever existed. 

"Rafe went through a rough phase." 

I bristled, "Kylee is dying." I pointed out, "Dying. As in she can never come back from this." 

Ace held out his hands, "His father approved Freze's mission without anyone's knowledge. He told you this." 

"How do you know?" I asked, suspicious. 

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