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In any other circumstance, Allen would be laughing at the situation. After all, the two sides of the war were now fighting over him; like children over a toy. The thought was highly amusing, save for him being said toy. But he had saw Lenalee and now he can't seem to focus. Why were they here? To win him back? Were his last words to them not obvious enough?

Road sat next to him, whispering soft words of comfort; almost like a mother to her child. That was a funny thought as well. She was older than him by God knows how many years. Was that how she saw their relationship? As a mother and child? Truly as family?

Family stick up for one another.

Family doesn't abandon their own.

Family stays together.

And he was letting his family down.

Standing up, the former exorcist started making his way to the door, that is until a hand on his human wrist stopped him.

"You can't go out there." Dreams ordered as her attention switched between Allen and the door. "You're not ready."

"I am ready, Road." Destruction replied before offering the other a smile. "I'm ready to protect my family."

How could she refuse him that? Standing up herself, the smaller of the two walked to the door. "Are you sure you want to do this? Once we leave, there's no turning back."

"Let's go." He nodded as he, too, went to the door. Things won't be the same afterwards, but he supposed it was for the best.

With a quiet sigh, the lolita opened the door and they were immediately bombarded with the sounds and sights of battle. The once elegant ballroom was now almost completely destroyed; part of the balcony had collapsed onto the floor below and several columns were broken. No one had spotted the opened door yet, all too focused on the heat of the skirmish.

Patting his fellow Noah on her shoulder, Allen brushed past without a word; almost as if in a trance. It was as he mindlessly walked into the center of the former grand room that Dreams began to look at him and their surroundings with great concern. Did she really let Destruction join the battle? Oh, she so wasn't going to hear the end of this. The Ninth Apostle watched on for a moment more before she shaded her White form and ran to aid Pleasure with his battle against the General. So far, no one has noticed the albino, which made her wonder if that was a curse or a blessing.

Allen swiftly dodged a flying exorcist-Lenalee by the looks of it-who had been fighting Bonds. A wicked grin painted his lips as he gripped the girl's ankle with his human hand and yanked her forward.

Time seemed to stand still as the green haired exorcist skidded across the floor. Shakily, she stood up to look at the offender with a curse ready to roll off her tongue before she froze; her eyes widening to the size of saucers when she realized who had done it.


Her whisper shouldn't have been heard but the sounds of battle seemed to vanish the moment he had thrown her. His head cocked slightly to the side at the sound of her voice yet it looked like he didn't hear. The grin that had adorned his features was now gone and his eyes were shielded by his hair.

It seemed like everyone was waiting for his next move but little did they know, it wasn't going to be to their liking.

Not one bit.

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