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A familiar voice reached out to the youth from the inner chambers of his mind and he recognized it almost immediately.


The sound of his adoptive uncle's voice raised a series of questions. Where had he gone? Is everything alright? Why did he leave? Why is he back?

It was like the other voice had heard his thoughts and heaved a sigh. Another time.

Fair enough. They were in the midst of a battle.

Let me take over.


A hand placed itself onto its owner's hip. Silver hair brushed gently against the sides of the slightly tanned head it belonged to. Lips curled into a smirk; that of an experienced poker player who had just won twenty games in a row. Golden orbs stared intently at their prey, studying her every move hungrily; the bloodlust was extremely noticeable.

The boy before them was no longer the polite and caring albino they knew. No, here stood his protective and -very dangerous-adoptive uncle.

"A-Allen?" The pityful exorcist squeaked in front of him.

"Why are you here?" He kept his cool; had his eyes hidden behind bangs and he could always play the tan as something gained from hours of sun. He used the voice of his darling nephew; the show had just started, after all.

"To bring you back!" She-what was her name again? Melanie? Harmony? Lenalee... Yes that one!-exclaimed with determination. "You belong with us! You're our friend!"

Cute. But he wasn't done playing.

"Why should I go back with you?" An innocent question followed by a slight head tilt.

He heard someone-whether it was a Noah or exorcist, he wasn't sure-suck in their breath. The topic was serious and fragile. The result had the potential to shift the tide of war for good, if things went smoothly that is.

It was a few moments before an answer broke the silence. "I-I just told you, you belong with us! You're an exorcist, just look at your arm!"

Wrong answer.

And now began the last seconds of pretending to be Allen as he took several steps toward the girl. When he got close, he cupped the side of her face with his blackened hand. Her greenish orbs shone with happiness; relief floated around them as if she just won a huge battle and could go home.

How sickenly sweet.

His hand lifted away slowly before it came crashing back onto her cheek; the sound of the slap resounded loudly. Shock wove through the crowd of onlookers.

"You're so idiotic it hurts."

His words stung-more than the smack. Lenalee's eyes watered but she refused to let the tears fall. This wasn't Allen.

"Where's Allen?"

At her demanding inquiry, Neah clapped slowly. It appeared she had a brain after all. "Congratulations on finally putting two and two together. Really, I'm surprised you couldn't tell sooner." He motioned to the other exorcists before continuing. "You claim to be my nephew's friends yet you hadn't realized the differences between me and him. Such a shame."

That was when Lenalee charged forth with her Innocence activated. She'll be damned if he got away with taking over her Allen!

"Such a shame indeed."

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