Chapter 8

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(Image above is of Berlin! He has a small ponytail that is pulled back, by the way.)

It was like I was sent right back to that day. The sight of Max's limp, lifeless body falling to the ground flashed across my eyes, although this time it was Osias in his place. Reassuring myself it wasn't real didn't help, I could still feel every single pang of pain as if a dam broke inside of my chest to release all of my pent-up emotions since Max's death. The Goddess herself gave me another chance to love and be loved, and I wouldn't let him go. Osias couldn't leave me to go fight. I wouldn't let him. 

"Who is Max?" Osias whispered in a curious tone, halting his movements as he hovered over me and burned my face with his intense gaze. I simply whimpered and covered my face, yelling at myself inwardly at bringing him up. I wasn't ready to tell him. I don't think I ever will be, in fact.

 Upon realizing that I was not answering him, Osias's deep, aggravated growl reverberated throughout the room. "Tell me goddammit!" he practically screamed out at me in his Alpha tone, causing both my wolf, Casey, and I to flinch and sob even harder. Although he was being forceful with his words, I understood that he was worried and wouldn't give up until I told him what he wanted to know. Curse me and my big, emotional mouth.

So, with a large, shaky breath and a glance up at my... Mate... I began. 

"M-Max wa-wass m-my mate..." I whispered, my lungs beginning to burn at the amount of sobbing that I was doing. "The r-rogues... Th-they... K-ki..." I choked on my breaths as I began to hyperventilate, completely incapable of finishing off my sentence. 

"Did the rogues... Kill him?" asked Osias after a long moment of hesitation, his voice softer than I'd ever heard before. Looking up at him through blurry eyes filled with tears, I was only able to nod solemnly. The banging and screams from outside were drowned out by a loud rushing in my ears, my shoulders slumping in relief as a huge weight lifted off of my heart and fluttered far away. 

I'd never told anyone else other than those that knew Max and I were mated about the fact that his death affected me so deeply. When our Alpha, my Max, was defeated, the pack was automatically done for. Everyone mourned for months just as I did, over the loss of our pack, the loss of our beloved Alpha and my mate, and the lives of so many warriors that fought for us until the very end. I was not the only one that lost someone of utmost importance that day, so I blended into the background and handled my mourning on my own. When we burned his remains and I watched them drift into the winds and roll over the mountains that he loved so much, I knew that I couldn't tell of the love that we shared to anyone else. 

But I just did.

Osias's expression was etched with worry as my breathing slowed to normal and my tears simply fell freely down my face, no more struggle left in my body as I simply looked into his eyes while mine were feeling heavier by the second. They are such a beautiful shade of blue...

"T-thank you..." I muttered softly to my Mate with the ghost of a smile, both of my my ashen hands clutching his tan wrist in a last desperate attempt to make him stay before something pushing at the back of my mind forced both my wolf and I into a deep, sinfully blissful slumber.

The grass was as soft as a fluffy blanket underneath my bare feet as I landed in a breathtakingly beautiful expanse of bright green land. Casey laid next to me as I stood, although his eyes were shut tight and soft snores left his small body. I smiled down at my small wolf for a moment before squinting my eyes to look into the distance. 

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