Chapter 20

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Daddy used to sing lullabies to my brothers and I when we were young. They were sweet songs about the joys of life and the value of love. I like to think that I have learned a lot from the lyrics about how wonderful a privilege it is to simply be alive. 

That's why when I learned of the innocent pup growing inside of me, my will to survive this hellish experiences skyrocketed. I couldn't be selfish and only think of myself, because I had an obligation to my baby. I promised myself that no matter what, I'd be the best mommy in the entire world.

However, in this moment I wasn't feeling so optimistic.

I was hyper-aware of the stabbing pain in my stomach, right on the top of my baby bump that was just beginning to form. Callie's face sneered down at me with a twisted scowl, one that eerily reminded me of those that Max was so prone to display in his features. Just the thought terrified me, and if I wasn't so concerned about the precious life of Osias and I's baby, I would've been paralyzed on the floor in fear.

Nonetheless, my strength was already depleted from the days of beatings, starvation, and the mental stress of caring for the unborn pup that was growing inside of me, so much so that my desperate yanking and tugging at Callie's ankle to move her sharp heel away from my tummy did practically nothing.

I could only sob tears of dismay and helplessness. For by unborn baby, for Osias, for Corey, and for Ortiz. They all risked their lives to save me; someone who means close to nothing to them in the ultimate scheme of their life. I was like a speck of dust in an infinite plane of bigger, better things. At least, that's how I felt.

I sobbed because the one time that my existence was actually needed, everything was about to be taken away.

What felt like a million years of being crushed beneath Callie's heel was probably only two seconds, but my mind was racing so frantically that it was hard to tell. I could only focus on one thing, and that was my motherly instinct to protect my child. I begged to the Goddess to save me, and I think that she finally heard me because it didn't take long until my situation suddenly took a turn for the better. 

Osias' huge wolf suddenly flew over me, tackling Callie to the ground hard enough that I heard bone snap, followed by a piercing scream of pain. I winced at the sound but took no time to evaluate the situation - instead I scurried away from the scene with a whimper and curling up in a ball in the farthest corner. My sore forearms wrapped protectively around my tiny baby bump to silently assure the ray of sunshine that everything was going to be okay - even though I wasn't sure of it myself. 

I could feel my entire body shaking with fright at the sounds of tearing flesh and blood-curdling screams all around me. I knew that there was practically war going on in the room, and I couldn't bring myself to lift my head and aid my friends, knowing that I would have just been a handicap to them. My eyes felt heavy, almost as if an ethereal being was telling me to avert them from the scene, and I did just that. The best that I could do was hope that Osias was doing his best to protect us. 

And I trusted him to do just that. With all of my heart. 

"COREY, RUN!" Came Osias's deep, authoritative voice from across the room, and I flinched against the wall when I noticed the ounce of pain that hid just beneath the surface. I wasn't anywhere near prepared when I suddenly froze up, and my mind became cloudy as memories of the trauma of seeing Max die flooded my consciousness. It was almost as if I lost control of my bodily functions as I began to convulse, screaming aloud as my hands desperately clutched at my ears. I could feel blood drip down my hands as I dug into my skin, trying to pry my ears from my very skull in order to make it stop. 

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