Chapter 24

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(Image above is Papa Ray! Play the song with the chapter, it really enhances the experience!)

Those few weeks afterward had been hell. Since our disastrous escapade at Max's compound and saving Berlin, my mate rapidly slipped into a deep depression that swallowed him whole. It started the moment we arrived back at the pack house. I expected him to be elated - filled with joy at the idea of being back home after being subjected to the horrors of Max - but the moment we touched the ground, he began to retreat into a cocoon of his own. His shy nature steadily worsened as the days dragged on, which took a toll not only on myself but also the well-being of the entire pack.

As short as his time may have been with the pack, they'd all formed a strong bond to their future Luna. His innocent, pure nature was what this pack has needed for quite a long time, as my parents time of rule was characterized by iron fists. Not only that, but the news that the next Alpha Heir was cradled in the womb of my mate didn't serve to make matters better. Everyone worried that the destitute emotional state of Berlin would somehow affect the health of the baby.

That thought terrified me to no end.

I set down my almost-empty cup of triple-smoked whiskey on top of my mahogany desk before tilting my head back against my office chair with a deep sigh. Although I knew that alcohol wouldn't have any affect on my psyche since my Alpha Were gene practically neutralized it, the burn as it slid down my throat acted as a numbing agent to at least leave me feeling as content as I could be. I tried for as long as possible to keep my Alpha affairs going on as usual when Berlin began distancing himself from everyone, however the strain proved too much and Ortiz ended up taking up a nice slice of my Alpha duties.

Surprisingly, he didn't complain too much about the newfound responsibilities. However, judging by his usual stoic mate's slight twitch on the corner of his lips, it became evident that he was quite excited to use this opportunity to have an excuse to stay cooped up in his room and fuck his mate.

And Ortiz fucking loved it.

But of course he would never admit it, as he was still adamant on his claim of heterosexuality. Or, as he put it, he was not "a flaming homosexual like Osias's flowery, rainbow-bottomed ass".

A grimace pulled at my lips as I rubbed my temples, sitting up in my chair to place my elbows on my desk before grabbing my glass of whiskey once again. The harsh but smoky smell wafted into my nose, and before I knew it memories began slamming into the front of my mind as if I'd flipped an imaginary switch.

Berlin's stunned gaze as I knocked a piece of bread out of his hand to kidnap him into a date.

Berlin's body overheating with the strain of his heat.

Berlin's peaceful, innocent face as he slept on my chest during the plane ride of California.

Berlin's small, sweaty body writhing in pleasure underneath me as he keened for my mating mark to adorn his shoulder.

I could've told you that I hadn't cried since I was a child, however that would be a lie because the ripple that danced across my glass of whiskey, disturbed by my salty tear, lay testament to my breaking of that record.

That boy. My Mate.

That gorgeous, however effeminate, perfect boy had such an affect on me that no one else ever had. Not even my parents.

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