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Chapter Thirteen

            All of the humans stared at me as Emmett walked away from me to be with his mate. Even the sneaky Jasper Whitlock, still watching from the door, was shocked. I bit my lip, wanting to kick myself for letting myself get caught up in my instincts.

            “What was that?” one of the girls asked. I chuckled nervously, playing it off like a shy high school girl.

            “My father had me in gymnastics since I was a child,” I murmured playfully. Acting bashfully was a sure way to get out of this; the humans were too transparent to see the truth. It worked, though they were all still dumbfounded by my acrobatic skills as they walked away from me.

The game was soon finished and we were dismissed, leaving the girls to gossip in the locker rooms and the guys to think about whatever went on in their brains. Before Evie and I could go in, I was practically cornered by the teacher. It wasn’t a smart move on his part but then again, he didn’t know I could snap his neck without a second though. He wanted me to think about joining a sports team, preferably volleyball or basketball, claiming that my reflexes could get them a foothold in the competitions. I politely declined, not wanting to show off more than I needed. I would be gone after a few weeks anyways.

The rest of the day went smoothly and soon, we were released from hell. I was glad Evie and Noah had a good time with their first day of school but I was begrudged that someone had managed to get my monkey-like skills and Emmett’s arm slam on tape. By the next period, I had people coming up to me, either commenting on what I did or questioning how I was alive after the giant Emmett Cullen had managed to staple my body to the gym floor. I sort of felt like a celebrity being swamped by paparazzi; I hated every minute of it.

After dropping necessary papers off at the office, we went out to the cars, naturally which kids were still gawking at. I smiled grimly at the attention but really didn’t care; that was my car and I wasn’t going to hide it.

From the corner of my eye, I caught Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper staring at us. Rose’s eyes were hooked on the cars while the guys kept their eyes trained on me. I gave a slight, uncaring wave before I got into my car. Letting Evie back out first, I pulled out smoothly and followed behind them. We kept our speeds low until we were out of sight of the humans; when covered by trees and woods, the speedometers went up and we were off. Of course, we had to slow down every so often if a cop was nearby or we were passing through town; most of the time though, racing was our pass time.

When we got back to the house, the others were waiting outside for us. Had I been human still, the three of them would have looked normal in their human garb and lazy smiles but even from behind Evie’s car, yards away from them, their beauty still managed to make me smile.

“Bella darling! How was hell?” Heidi asked jokingly after we parked the cars back in the garage and got out. I rolled my eyes and left all my stuff in the car to go hug my best friend.

“Shocking, to say the least,” I muttered. Heidi raised a perfect eyebrow and gestured for me to continue. “I ran into a few old… friends.”

Immediately, her eyes were wide as saucers. Behind her, Felix and Demetri looked just as shocked; as if that were the last thing they expected to hear. Their expression probably mimicked mine when I first saw the Cullens, surprised and unbelievable.

“Yeah, I know,” I muttered after a few seconds went by.

“The Cullens are here,” Demetri stated flatly. I could taste the anger in his tone, feeling it drift through the air. I didn’t need to be a pathokinetic like Jasper to feel his emotions.

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