Chapter 3.

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Ashley Lane.

I have been like this for a few weeks now. I know what's wrong with me, but I can't tell them, I can't tell anyone, especially Katherine and Jane. She's gonna hate me when she finds out. Not even he knows. I know I should tell him but I don't know how, I've never been in a situation like this before. My parents are going to freak out when they find out, but then again it's not because they love and care about me, it's because of their stupid reputation.

My parents are one of the richest families in LA, they own a law firm, and they're always busy. They never had any time to start a family, and they didn't want to either. I was just a mistake, as they always tell me when I do something wrong, or whenever they have the chance to actually look at my face.

They're hardly home, so I usually hang out with the maids. I was raised by them so they're practically my family. I see them more than I see my parents, hell, I even love them more than I love my parents. I'm always alone in the house, so I can do whatever I want, most kids would throw parties everyday, but I'm not like most kids, I just invite over my friends and hang out.

Bertha, one of the maids, makes us our favorite foods and desserts. And Gina, the other maid, she makes the best breakfast for us the next morning when my girls spend the night. Bertha and Gina sometimes even sit and eat and hang with us. They are so sweet and kind, and they make us laugh with their stories.

Bertha is married and she has three kids, while Gina has two. They're both Mexican, and have been friends since they were teenagers and now they work together and live right next to each other.

I wish that happens to me and the girls.

On every holiday and special occasion, I invite their families here and they stay at our house for a whole week. My parents are usually out of town for the holidays to spend it with their friends anyways.

It's not like they don't ask me to go, they do, but I always refuse.

I usually spend it with Bertha and Gina and their families but sometimes I go to the girls' so Bertha and Gina can be alone with their families.

And speaking of them, they're the only ones who know about my secret, I didn't tell them, but they have gone through what I'm going through and I guess they saw the symptoms and figured it out. I didn't deny it because I really need a shoulder to cry on.

Being pregnant with your best friend's brother's baby is not good, not it good at all. Especially when he doesn't know. And especially when your other best friend is in love with him.

Let me tell you how it happened. It was last month on New Year's Eve, I was spending it with them, the Graysons, because as usual my parents weren't here, and I wanted Bertha and Gina to be alone with their families.

So he was my New Year's kiss, but it's not like we kissed that one time and instantly fell in love and randomly decided to start a family together. No, we were already seeing each other for two months before that. And when everyone was asleep, I went to his room that night, and we were both emotional from all the New Year stuff, so one thing led to another and we kind of forgot about protection, and that's all it took for us to ruin our lives.

His anyways. I still don't know how to feel about this but I know he's going to hate me.

Some kids get new phones, or a new car, and I'm getting a baby.

And some kids think about how they're going to get suspended because they just got caught skipping class, but I'm here telling you my life story.

"Ashley." Jane says harshly.

"What?" I look up at her.

"Do you even care that we might get suspended?" She asks.


She chuckles. "Why would you? Your parents don't give a shit about you." She leans back and crosses her arms.

"Jane!" Katherine scolds her. She's like the mother of the group. The goue that holds us together.

"No she's right, it's better to tell the truth than to pretend that I have a perfect life." I say.

"What is wrong with you lately?" Skylar asks. "You're so emotional all the time."

"Nothing's wrong with me Sky, I'm just tired of you pretending that I have a perfect life."

"We don't pretend Ash." Katherine tries to smooth things over.

"We know what you're going through." Hayden says.

"What?" I ask starting to panic, how could they possibly know? Am I that obvious?

"You know, your parents not being around..." She trails off.

"Right." I take a deep breath.

"Alright." Higgins says walking in and sits behind his desk. "What am I going to do with you girls? You haven't tried doing something like this for a while now."

He's right, it's been a while since we've done something like this. When we first started high school, we were known as the "wild, careless, girls."

"Mr.Higgins please don't suspend us, this is all my fault." Skylar says apologetically.

"Please Mr.Higgins, we were just trying to make some memories, it's our senior year, there's nothing wrong with that, I'm sure you can understand." Hayden tries to appeal to his I'm a cool principle side.

"Alright." He sighs. "But you're not getting away that easily."

He takes out a small notebook and after writing something in it he rips it out and hands it to Katherine.

"Have fun in detention." He grins from ear to ear.

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