Chapter 7.

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Jane Wesley.

"Okay, I'm sorry I'm late." Mr.Matthews says walking in class.

He keeps talking on and on about some historic thing, while all I can think about is Alain. Should I tell him that I like him?

I know that he and Ashley kissed on New Year's Eve, but that's just a New Year's kiss right? I mean she said that it didn't mean anything, that she doesn't like him that way.

She promised.

I don't know what to do, maybe I should just talk to him. He's my friend, there's nothing to be afraid of, I'll just ask him if he likes someone and if he doesn't I'll tell him about my feelings. I just hope I'm not too late. It's been two years you know.

My parents have been away this week because my grandmother broke her leg and she's all alone. They won't be back until tomorrow morning. So after detention today, I'll ask him to come over to watch a movie, and I'll make my move.

What's the worse than can happen right? At last I'll finally know.

That's how it all started anyways. We practically grew up together, and I used to be really close to him, we were always together. W were inseperable and used to watch movies together after school all the time, and the more I got to spend time with him, the more I realized that I like him more than just a friend.

I chickened out back then and didn't tell him.

When I told Katherine, she convinced me to tell him, and when I finally gathered the courage to do so, he came home and introduced us to his girlfriend Lana.

After that, after he got in a relationship, we kinda drifted apart. He started spending more time with his girlfriend. She got jealous whenever he would spend time with me, so I told him it was okay and that was the end of our movie nights together.

Even after his break up, we couldn't be the same anymore. We would hang out whenever Katherine was around, but we could never be alone together.

"Jane." Ashley says bringing me back from my walk through memory lane. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I pause. "You know what? No. Do you think I should tell Alain how I feel?" I whisper to her.

"I-I don't know Jane." She says looking a little weird.

"Come on I need your help here." I urge her for some advice.

"What's going on?" Katherine pipes in.

"She wants to tell Alain how she feels." Ashley tells he looking lost in thought.

"Jane are you sure?" Hayden raises a questioning eyebrow.

"What are you guys talking about?" Skylar leans in.

"I want to tell Alain how I feel."

"Wow, after two years you finally have the courage. I thought you were talking about something I didn't know of."

"Come on Sky, you know everything about us." I rolls my eyes. She has it jn her head that we leave her out of things.

"Yeah you're right, it's not like I didn't know about Alain. I mean after all you did tell me last year." She says sarcastically.

"At least I told you." I say, if it were up to me I would have told no one.

"Yeah, after a year, while you had told everyone the year before, you told me after a year Jane." She says sounding kind of angry.

"Girls in the back." Matthews says in warning. "Is there something you wanna share with the rest of us?"

"Uh, no sir. Just girl stuff." Hayden says earning a few laughs from around the class and a smile from Matthews.

I take out my phone and text Alain. If I don't do this now, I'll chicken out again.

"What are you doing?" Ashley asks.

"I texted him, after school and detention I invited him to my house. I'm gonna tell him no matter what."

Her eyes widen and she swallows visibly as if she's scared.

"What? You don't want me to tell him?" I start to panic. Did I make a mistake?

"No no I do, that's good, tell him yeah." She says with a strained smile.

Okay what is up with her?

"Alright, good." I nod.

It's really happening.

I'm going to tell Alain once and for all.

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