Chapter 16.

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My headache grows even more. I can't believe that Skylar is the one doing this. I don't want to believe that it's her doing this. The girl that I have grown up with. The girl I consider to be like my sister. I've let her sleep at my house, in my bed. She knows everything about me. I have known her since kindergarten. I spent my entire childhood with her. We've shared so much together. We have so many memories.

It hurts. So much.

I keep pinching myself, I'm pinching myself even though my hands are tied from behind, to try and wake myself up from this nightmare, but for some reason it doesn't seem like it's working. Probably because I'm not dreaming this. It's very much real.

My eyes are burning now from the amount of tears that have been trailing down my already wet cheeks.

"So, Katherine. I will ask the question, and I expect an honest answer." Skylar says pressing the knife on my cheek. "Is that clear?" I nod. "I'm sorry what?" She pretends she didn't see me nod and presses the knife harder against my skin making me flinch and cry even more.

"Yes, yes I understand, just please stop Skylar." I plead, my voice shaking and my eyes closed shut.

"Okay then, good." She takes the knife away from my face but it still hurts. It starts burning and blood starts oozing out of the small cut. She actually cut my cheek.

My stomach churns and it threatens to empty its contents onto the tiled floor of the classroom. I haven't eaten much, just what we found in the cafeteria and a lot of vodka. But I still want to throw up.

"So, why did you break up with Mason?" She finally asks gesturing to him like the rest don't know who he is.

I knew it, I knew she was going to ask that.

"I don't love him like that anymore." I say looking at him apologetically. He looks like he's about to cry and I hate myself all over again for doing this. Then from the corner of my eye I look at Dylan. The look on his face is one I haven't seen before. I think he's about to turn into the Incredible Bulk and break everything including Skylar.

"That's not the right answer." She casually saunters over and places the knife back on my cheek, the exit place where she already cut.

"Stop it!" Mason yells. He's shaking in his seat, seething with anger.

"Okay okay, alright." I yell to make her stop. After a moment, finally pulling myself together, I speak. "I'm dating Dylan."

"I'm sorry what? I don't think we heard you."

"I'm dating Dylan."

"Who the hell is Dylan?" Mason growls angrily.

"Katherine?" Skylar prompts.

"I'm dating Mr. Matthews." I say louder for everyone to hear and look up at the girl who I used to call my best friend with what I hope is clear hate.

"Good girl." She smiles.

I see Dylan take a deep breath and shale his head. He looks down at his lap no doubt not wanting to see the shocked and angry looks he's getting from my friends. Not to mention my brother wnd ex-boyfriend.

"What?" Mason narrows his eyes at me as if he doesn't believe what he's hearing.

"Please tell me it's not true." Alain says from next to me.

"I'm sorry." Is all I can say, my own head lowered to avoid their looks.

"Hayden you don't seem surprised at all." Skylar adds salt to the wound.

"Shut up Skylar." Hayden snaps.

"Is it possible that you already knew?" She gasps dramatically.

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