chapter 18 A new plan

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Jillian's POV

Mommy woke me up. So the least I could do was get changed. This is the only part I hate about school. Having to wake up early.
I go straight to the bathroom. I see the outfit aunt Rose or Ali left me. Its a grey dress,with yellow,blue,and dark blue stripes at the bottom,and a White flower in the center. Oh,and some grey shoes. Its perfect. I love it!

Bella Jill!! Ness!! Breakfast is ready!!

I hurry up changing without doing my hair ,because aunt Rose would do that.

Jill I'm here mommy!
Bella Good. Now hurry up and eat your breakfast.

I sat next to Nessie who was already their. I start eating my eggs with bacon. I quickly start a mind conversation with Ness.

Ness are you alright?
Well you don't seem to be eating ,and your smiling.
I'm not that hungry ,and can't I just smile.
Yeah ,but its still weird.
Well whatever where is you're Jacob anyway.
I don't know probably sleeping ,or patrolling ,and by the way he is not mine!!!!

I just rolled my eyes. Just because he is my best friend doesn't mean he's mine.
After we are done eating mommy and daddy take us to the main house. Rose rushes to us ,and makes us each a bun.
Ness and I quickly say our goodbyes to everybody. Mommy,daddy,Ness,and I rush to the car.

Edward Guess we ran out of time today.
Bella Definitely
Ness Yeah
Jill mommy, and Jake?
Bella He went to visit Billy. His dad.
Jill oh. After school can we visit Gapa Charlie?
Edward Don't you have to work with someone?
Jill Yeah ,but I was thinking we could go after.
Bella sure Jill. Why not?

I smile.
We arrive at school

Bella and Edward Goodbye girls!See you two after school.
Jill and Ness Bye mommy. Bye daddy.

We got of the car ,but before I entered the school I was being hugged by Mia,Elizabeth,and Jordan.

Mia Come on Jillian.
Jordan yeah!

Mind conversation.

I'm sorry Ness!
Its OK. I'm gonna go with Jamie anyway.

End of conversation

Jill So where are we going?
Elizabeth To the fifth grade patio.
Jill Our grade has a patio?
Mia Yeah.

We walk\run to the patio. I guess the patio is kinda cool. Mia leads us all to a very nice table.

Mia OK. I think its time for us to throw. Our annual year party!!!
Jordan Yeah!!
Elizabeth its gonna be so fun. Specially since now we have Jill.
Mia OK let's tell Jill all about our year party.
Elizabeth I want to tell her!!
Mia We all will.
Jordan So every year we have a party in which all of the kids in our grade attend to.
Elizabeth We meet up in one of our houses ,or we rent a place.
Mia And we choose a really cool theme each year.
Jordan Just that we have to either bring in the money ourselves ,or start a fundraiser.
Mia First let's think of the perfect theme!! Any ideas.
Jill Glow in the dark?
Elizabeth No. We already did that along with a carnival theme ,and a pool party.
Jill Well how about an Enchanted Forest.
Mia That's actually a great idea!
Jordan Let's do it?
Mia and Elizabeth let's do it!!
Mia Let's not tell anybody. Not yet OK. Jill not even your sister promise?
Jill promise.

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