The Heroes' New Clothes

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Winter has begun and everyone agreed to have a little change for the coming new year.

Some of the heroes in Ardan's camp had new tailored clothes sewn by a friend of the technologist back in Gythia. Although the rest like Kestrel and Skye's clothes have not yet been done. The finished clothes were delivered just this morning and everyone was excited... well almost everyone.

"Why are my clothes like this?!" Ringo complained.

"What's wrong with it?" Ardan asked.

The annoyed sniper tugged at the collar of his new clothes and clicked his tongue in his mouth. "I feel too restricted with my movements. I don't like it." he said and demonstrated as he effortlessly moved his arm around.

"Looks fine to me." Ardan replied and clapped Ringo on the back. "You can still move your arm and that's what matters. Besides, you've been half naked all the time even in this cold. I'm surprised you never catch a cold."

"I don't think Ringo ever feels cold." Kestrel chimed from the dining table.

"That's because the alcohol keeps me warm from the inside." Ringo replied. "No cold would make me shiver as long as I have my booze."

Ardan shook his head at the drunkard's answer. "At least try to get comfortable with it? All of these aren't cheap." he advised.

"I'll try." Ringo said.

"That's good enough for me." the Stormlord said and went back to his tent to continue his work.

The sniper who was still tugging at his collar left and headed to the minion mines to drink in peace. Meanwhile, Skye and Kestrel along with Taka who were seated around the dining table ate some lunch Celeste had cooked. Adagio was also there but he simply watched down on the three.

"Where's Celeste and Koshka?" Skye asked.

"Skaarf too." Kestrel added.

"Beats me. Maybe they're patrolling or something." Taka said and then took a spoonful of food into his mouth.

"The little dragon has been gone since last night." the seraphim said.

Petal who was playing with her new bee munions turned her head towards Adagio, a toothy smile slowly creeping on her face. "Really? Did he leave? Are my munions finally safe from him?" she inquired, a little too excited.

"Petal, that's not good. Skaarf is our friend, you should be worried not relieved." Skye said.

"Hunf! I'm worried too. I was just asking." Petal said in defense.

"But the smile forming on your face earlier said otherwise." Adagio teased.

"I will shoot you with my sunbeam." the green creature threatened.

"Stop it you guys." Taka cut in.

Petal made a face and then went on with her business. Adagio chuckled and then lazily flew towards the dining table, eyeing the food which he finds unappetizing.

"Maybe we should look for Skaarf later." Skye suggested.

"Yeah." Kestrel nodded. "We should bring Celeste along."

"Speaking of Celeste, where is she and Koshka again?" Skye asked.

"I'm here." Celeste spoke from behind them.

The Gythian Star Queen was dressed in a white battle suit-like clothing that is far from the green dress she usually wore. Her staff was also changed from a gem shaped one into a humongous orbit staff. Everyone at the table marveled at her new look except for the stoic Adagio.

For Halcyon (Vainglory)Where stories live. Discover now