The Return

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Early Morning...

It was a new day at camp Catherine and everyone was already gathered at the grounds. Phinn was the one to hit the gong and did the rounds to personally wake up everybody in their quarters.

SAW was the first one to speak while they waited for Catherine. "Didn't know you lot are back." the man said, glancing at Rona, Glaive and Krul.

"We got back last night." Rona replied after yawning and scratching her head.

"We thought you guys were dead!" Vox chimed. "You were gone for two days."

"Blame the amazonian." Krul grunted.

"Why? Whut happened?" Joule who was lazily leaning against Vox asked.

"Save the tale for later." Catherine cut in as she arrived. The captain looked like she hasn't slept a wink.

Blackfeather who was now fully awake rubbed his eyes and stared at Catherine. "You have eyeglasses."

Everyone then turned their attention to the Stormguard who was indeed wearing eyeglasses and casual clothing. Each had different reactions to her mundane look but none of them dared to follow Blackfeather's remark.

Catherine shot Blackfeather a cold stare. "Yes I am, why do you seem appalled? Is it too revealing that I wear eyeglasses?" she answered sarcastically.

Blackfeather shook his head. "I like it. Very sexy. You should wear it—oof!"

Phinn who was standing next to Blackfeather nudged him at his side. The swordsman then saw the murderous look he was getting from the captain. He immediately shut his mouth and pretended to fix his clothes.

"Hey, where's frosty Krul and the hot man?" Rona suddenly questioned.

Everyone except Glaive and Krul turned to Rona with confused expressions on their faces.

Catherine's brows furrowed, "Regarding that—" the captain began.

As Catherine began talking, Fortress who had been idly watching everyone suddenly snarled and sent
three of his pack members hurling towards Catherine.

The Stormguard who was caught off guard wasn't able to act right away. Everyone else were also caught off guard that they froze in place.

Shit! Why did Fortress attack her now!? That isn't the plan! Vox was internally screaming.

He and the others watched as the wolves barrel towards Catherine, but the wolves didn't attack the woman; they instead lunged at two unfamiliar faces that appeared behind the captain.

A sudden blast of cold air hit everyone as Reim froze the wolves in mid-air using his magic. Everyone who didn't know a thing had their mouths gaping at the ruckus in front of them.

"Holy shit!" Joule blurted.

An old man took a step forward. "Is this how we will be welcomed?" Reim grunted and stood next to Catherine.

While Reim was yapping, Samuel quietly stood at the back. He glanced at each unfamiliar person and suddenly paused when he saw one particular face—Vox's.

For Halcyon (Vainglory)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin