Daisy, Daisy, Give Me Your Answer Do (pt 1)

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Whatever it takes.

Kestrel made her way to the jungle, her bow clenched tightly on her hand. The archer quietly approached the bushes when she heard rustling coming from behind it. She knew that the cyborg was already damaged enough and wouldn't be able to go that far.

"Daisy?" she softly called out to whatever was behind the brush, in hope that it was her friend. "It's me Kestrel. Please let me help you."

"C-C-COOK-KED." Alpha answered.

Kestrel cautiously took a step forward and looked behind the bushes. Sure enough Alpha was on the ground sitting like a broken doll. Her face looking glazed like the first time she saw her again after she turned into Alpha.

"H-H-HEL-HELP." Alpha cried.

The archer although worried, cautiously reached out to touch Daisy. The cyborg immediately went into auto-pilot upon sensing her and drew out her sword as she leapt off the ground.

"Daisy it's me! Please remember!" Kestrel exclaimed.

The cyborg didn't faze and charged towards the archer at half her original full speed, but Kestrel was quick to dodge and was able to put a good distance between them. Nothing seemed to wake up Daisy's consciousness inside of the cyborg anymore and it made the archer feel hopeless. She contemplated on whether it was time to let go and end her friend's misery or hold on and hope that there is still chance in saving Daisy.


Meanwhile, back in Ardan's camp everybody began regaining consciousness. Taka who was embarrassed avoided Koshka as soon as he woke up. Adagio continued to heal the rest of the team. Everyone else kept quiet, thinking about what had just happened.

"That was some enemy." Ringo spoke, breaking the silence.

Ardan glanced towards the jungle, "Yeah. Although I have a hunch that Kestrel knows that cyborg." he said.

"What do you mean dadda?" Celeste asked.

Petal hopped closer to the group and then gasped. "She did told us not to hurt it!" she said, recalling Kestrel's behavior earlier.

"If that's the case then why did she attack us if she knows Kestrel?" Skye asked.

"That's what we have to find out." Ardan said.

"Can we trust Kestrel? What if she followed her not to kill her but they're escaping cause their plans were foiled?" Petal said.

Koshka who was in a bit of a bad mood because of Taka shushed Petal. "How can you accuse her of being a traitor? She's been with us for months and she didn't show any sign of being one!"

"It's called acting!" Petal answered.

"We can't accuse her Petal." Celeste said, siding with Koshka.

Petal crossed her arms and huffed. "Well she didn't do anything when we were being attacked."

"Out of shock probably." Skye said.

"Shock? Why would she be shocked?" Petal raised a brow.

"Enough," Ardan cut in before the discussion turned into an argument. "We need to have a little faith in her."

"Let's all believe that Kestrel's on our side." Celeste said before noticing a munion running into the camp.

The munion who tripped over before it can even reach them waved the letter in its hand. Adagio flew over and took the letter from the munion without even helping the creature up. The munion took offense, incoherently grumbled before standing on its own and leaving the camp in stomps.

"A letter from Gythia." Adagio announced before handing it over to Ardan whose faced turned grim.


A/N: Hey y'all... It's been months. I'm sorry for the lack of update. I know this chapter's extremely short but I just want to ease back slowly into writing.. I hope you all continue to support this story until the end. Thank you.

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