Chapter 1

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I stood underneath the pavilion and willed my heart to beat regularly. It didn't help. My heart continued to beat faster than a hummingbird fleeing with fright. I rubbed at my temple once more as I waited for him to come.

Why had I agreed to this? It had bad and trouble written all over it yet I just couldn't say no. I was tired of everyone labeling me as the weirdo or the freak. Yes I was smart and always played by the rules but that wasn't me entirely. I hated that I was left out of everything because I stood out like a sore thumb. I wanted to be normal, I wanted friends that coerced me into making bad decisions. I wanted to be a normal seventeen year old with normal seventeen year old problems.

I was pulled out of my silent banter by the shadow of a person quickly making their way towards me. I knew it was him even though I couldn't quite make out his features. Who else would it be? I took a huge gulp of the cold air and crossed my fingers. There was no backing out now.

Within seconds the dark form came into view and I froze when I saw him. It always happened. Every time I was near him or someone mentioned his name I would always get tense and hold my breath. It was so childish and unlike me but for some reason I couldn't get him out of my mind in order to think rationally.

"Hey Ms. Apples." Deon said to me as he neared.

I involuntarily rolled my eyes at my nickname. Apparently I ate an apple everyday and somehow they decided that my real name was too hard to pronounce. I always hated the name but hearing it on his lips made it a bit easier to digest.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"I'm a bit surprised that you came out. I thought you would have cancelled at the last minute." Deon said as he braced the bleachers behind us.

He was wearing the same black leather jacket from earlier but underneath he had changed to a simple black jersey and grey sweats. I kept myself from smiling and pushed my hair away from my eyes. He stood carefree and I envied him. Here I was freaking out on the off chance that we might get caught out here. It was nearly midnight and we were supposed to be fast asleep in our dorms. 

I've always been a good girl and just the thought of going to the principal's office for something other than 'good' made me cringe. Luckily we were far away from the dorms and security never ventured this way.

"Of course I came. I told you I'm not the little book worm you all know. Underneath there's a whole new me."

I was awarded with a raised eyebrow before he pulled out his cigar. He stooped and lit it, ensuring that the light from the fire couldn't be seen in the dark. My heart started beating faster than normal and I nearly backed out. I've never smoked one day in my life and yet this guy was forcing me to do it.

Okay well maybe he isn't forcing me but still... I felt out of sorts. I didn't want to become an addict nor did I want to get busted on my first attempt.

He smiled at me as he took his first pull. I watched in silence as he blew the smoke out and I coughed as it hit my face. Deon starting laughing and I wanted nothing more than to hit him.

I hated when people laughed at me. I always felt low for some reason.

Instead I took the cigarette from him and pulled. I was not prepared and totally out of my element. I choked on the smoke and started coughing. It tasted bad and my throat started to burn. How the hell did people get addicted to this?

Deon was laughing so hard that I feared we would get discovered. Without thinking I hit against his chest and he stopped laughing instantly. Instead, he grabbed my hands and pulled me close to him.

By this time my heart had created its own rhythm and I felt as though the ambulance needed to wait on me with 20 doctors if it didn't go back to normal soon.

I tensed as his hands encircled my waist and his black eyes bored into mine. Slowly his eyes travelled down my face as though seeing it for the first time... Maybe he did. His lips brushed against my cheeks as his free hand sneaked beneath my jacked and tank top and he caressed the skin of my hips.

I sucked in some of the cold air as his lips pressed against my ears.

"You're doing it wrong." He whispered to me. "Let me show you the right way."

I swallowed as he pulled away from me. I knew in that moment that he was capable of making me do anything. I doubt whether I would even object if he told me to rob a bank or steal a car. I laughed nervously at my thoughts and nodded. He took a pull and seconds later he exhaled.

"What you need to do is swallow and then breathe, okay?" He said softly as he handed the cigar to me.

I nodded, not trusting my voice to speak. I took the cigar and followed the instructions. It worked for a second and then I started coughing again. Every time I took a pull my throat burnt and I hated it but I refused to back down. He shook his head and thought for a bit.

His brows furrowed and he closed his eyes as he thought about his next move. Reopening them I could see he had made a decision. 

Instead he took a whiff of his cigarette before pulling me closer to him. My heart was thumping so hard against my chest that I was afraid he'd feel it as I was pressed so tightly against him.
He lowered his lips to mine and I instinctively opened my mouth as I captured the smoke. I wanted nothing more than to cough but I was dead set on proving to him that I wasn't as stuck up or amateur as he thought I was. I swallowed the smoke and then exhaled. To both of our surprise the smoke came out of my nose and mouth without me choking. Deon looked at me intently and I could see the glaze covering his eyes.

"You passed" He said and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

I passed. That was all that mattered to me. After so many attempts I had passed his little test. He smiled at me and I couldn't help myself as I was affected by him so I returned his smile. I saw his head leaning closer and his eyes focused on my lips. I felt like pushing him away but at the same time I wanted to be nearer to him, if that was even possible.

I closed my eyes as his lips brushed against mine but before I had a chance to deepen the kiss we heard voices coming towards us. My body moved away so fast that even Deon was impressed. Two guards were coming towards the pavilion and without thinking Deon grabbed my arms and started running.

This is my first chapter of Flight and it is unedited. like and comment to let me know what you think. Thanks lots. 😄

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