Chapter 14

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After what felt like ages just sitting and quietly judging everyone I got up and forced my way through the crowd towards the main kitchen.

Our school dorms were built differently. Since students entered the school at 13 years of age and left at 18 the board had thought it was in our best interest if the dorms were created like apartments or long houses. Not that I minded, I really do feel at home here. Most of the time.

The kitchen however, wasn't any different. Human beings were littered across the length and breadth of the room and most of them were snacking on each other's faces. With a loud groan I pulled open the fridge door and searched its contents. After searching through all the stacks of beers and frozen meals I finally located a few cans of Canada Dry and took one.

Popping the can open, I relished in the feel of the delectable liquid sliding down my throat. I let out a very satisfying moan.

"Geez, if I had known that you were this affected by me I would have searched for you sooner!"

A voice behind me stated loudly over the booming music. I spun around to see Deon standing behind me and my body physically shivered from the sight of him.. He stood bracing the kitchen island looking oh so delicious and all I could do was stare. The simple white tee that he wore was straining against his toned physique and the black pencilled jeans was perfectly suited to his leg muscles. My eyes travelled up his body and stopped at his face.

His long hair was pulled back by a rubber band and there was a slight stubble growing on his face. I wanted nothing more than to rub my nose against it and inhale. I also wanted to wrap my hands around his broad, muscular, manly shoulders while he...

I snapped out of my wayward thoughts when Deon came face to face with me.

"Wanna dance?" He shouted against my ear.

"Sure!" I shouted back.

He took my hand in his and lead me to the living room and we tunneled our way through students as we found a perfect spot in the middle of the dance floor. Deon started dancing circles around me to Missy Elliot's latest song. I stood there awkwardly, hands twisting together as I silently prayed for it to be over.

After a while of him literally pulling and pushing me around the dance floor he realized I was a hopeless case and instead he pulled me close to him. Probably to scold me on my terrible robotic dancing.

"You ever danced before?!"

"No, It's my first time!"

He nodded to me before mouthing the words 'follow me'. I watched as he placed both hands on my waist and pulled my body flush against his. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my nose against it, inhaling his essence. We slowly moved to the beat of the clearly fast paced song and my heart somersaulted at the thought of how ridiculous we looked but he still didn't care.

My hero.

I felt my body tense slightly at the feel of his fingers gently massaging my waist and I willed my heart to behave. When I felt his hands slip beneath my tank top and his flesh connected against mine I couldn't control my body and how it responded. I moaned loudly against his neck and was oh so grateful for the loud music. I felt his body shake silently and I knew he had chuckled.

I stood on tiptoe and slowly allowed the tip of my tongue to swipe his neck as my hands dug into his hair, exposing more of his flesh. I felt his body tense as he inhaled and I groaned when he applied pressure and dug his nails into my skin. Instead of it paining it just made me wet with need.

My nipples hardened painfully and the feel of the bra grazing against it every time I moved didn't help. Deon pressed his body against mine as he bent his head and nibbled my earlobe before whispering in my ear. Even though I had to focus and hear what he said there was no mistaking it or the bulge that was currently being pressed against my tummy.

Damn he was...

Before I could finish my thought he was pulling me towards the exit. My heart was thumping so fiercely against my chest and I was extremely tight with need. It was as though I would go insane if I didn't get the release I so desired.

Is this even normal? Or am I some alien with super sexual hormones?

We arrived at the door and I suppressed a laugh when Deon frantically pulled it open. I was surprised to see it was still raining and when Deon grabbed my arms and started running I let out a loud laugh that echoed around us.

Maybe I'm not the only alien... *Sips tea*

I kept my head down as the rain blurred my vision before we stopped running and entered a building. I wiped the rain from my face as Deon led me into a dark room. Clicking on the lights I allowed my eyes a few seconds before it adjusted on my surroundings.

"Oh." I said as I realized we were in his room. "It's so... Clean."

"Seriously?! Those are the first things you say?"

"What?" I watched his 'raised eyebrow' expression and folded arms.

"Well what else am I supposed to say? It is clean and I know it must be yours-" I said as I looked around but before my sentence could even be completed Deon had grabbed me.

I felt my back softly hit a wall and I gasped at the suddenness of his actions. His lips then came crashing down on mine and my heart flipped as I felt his wet body pressed up against me. I wanted nothing more than to get out of these clothes and I knew my wish would soon be rewarded.

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