Chapter 2

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I tried hard to suppress my giggling as I relished the feel of my hand in his. Yes we were running so as not to get caught and suspended but yet I didn't really care or the realization hadn't started to sink in yet. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would, not only end up breaking a school rule with the bad boy, but also be sharing my first smoke.

Deon stopped suddenly and I bumped into his back. I let out a muffled yelp before being once again pulled. We ducked behind some bushes as another guard was spotted walking near the dorms. We had run the length of the campus and arrived at the dorms, now all we had to do was wait out the passing guards.

I stooped besides him quietly and all that could be heard was our ragged breathing as we tried to get them under control. Even though we were hiding behind the bushes in the dark I could still see his features and being this close to him I had an opportunity to observe his body.

His chocolate skin was two shade darker than mine; his hair was braided in plain rows and it made him look even more appeasing. His Jackson was shaved neatly and somehow gave more features to his chiseled face. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and rub my fingers along his cheeks.

I was brought out of my thoughts when he turned to me and winked. I immediately smiled but then we were sprinting across the lawn towards my dorm. When we arrived at the main door I quickly unlocked it and we stepped it.

"That was a close one." He said bracing the door and catching his breath.

I nodded as I tried to breathe and held my tummy. This was a workout for the ages I thought. When our breathing was regulated I led the way to my room. Opening my door I walked over to the lights and switched it on. My roommate was gone, probably sleeping over with her boyfriend so that meant that we had the room for ourselves.

I turned to Deon just in time to see him take off his jacket and sit on the edge of my bed. He looked up and our eyes connected. I looked away quickly and excused myself as I walked into the bathroom to wash my face. Taking off my jacket, I hung it on the chair and sat cautiously next to him.

"So..." He ran a hand over his braids before looking at me.

"Now that you're safely in the confines of your room, I think it's time for me to leave."

There was a sharp stab of disappointment as he stood up. I didn't want him to go but it was way too dangerous if he stayed. He turned to me and gave his famous smile that had girls swooning, me, no exception and walked out. I shut the door behind him and started squealing.

Oh my gosh!

I can't believe I just spent the night with West High's most popular bad boy!
I fan girled so hard until all the energy was gone before I hopped in my bed. It was already morning and I had just a few hours to get some sleep. No doubt tomorrow I would feel like a total, disoriented mess. I quickly closed my eyes and tried to clear my head but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get a certain pair of eyes from my vision.

My mind wandered to the way he looked at me. It was as though I was the only girl in the world and he couldn't get enough of me. I thought about how his hands felt in mine, about how his lips brushed against mine and how it felt as we exchanged smoke. It was almost a dream come through. The real dream would be him calling me his.

I chuckled lightly at my own stupidity.

Like that would ever happen.


"Hey Lily! Get up before you're late to labs!" Someone shouted and I groaned for them to shut up.


I jumped out of my sleep and felt a surging pain as my roommate screamed against my ears.

"Shit Rae was that really necessary?" I grumbled as I rubbed vigorously at my temples.

Rae shrugged before picking up her laptop and heading out. I wanted to roll my eyes at her back but decided against it. Looking at the time I hurriedly got up and showered. I literally had one hour to get to class and I didn't want to be late. I grabbed the first outfit I saw and quickly got dressed before heading into the cafeteria. Normally I would just buy breakfast but time wasn't on my side so I wasn't choosey. I ate my breakfast and ran the small distance to my English Lit class.

I walked in just before the teacher and she gave me a hard stare as I sat down. I lowered my gaze and pulled out my notepad as she started the day's lesson. Halfway through the session the door opened and in walked Mr. Deon Ambrose.

Everyone looked up as he strode in and Ms. Greene stared daggers. Deon just nodded at her and took a seat towards my farthest right, nearest the door.

"And why is it that you are an hour late Mr. Ambrose?" She asked sternly.

There was a hushed silence as everyone stared at him.

"I didn't hear my alarm." He responded coolly.

"Is that any reason for me to accept you into my class?"

"Look. I'm here ain't I?! So just be glad, now if you please I really would like to learn."

He opened his notebook and pretended to scribble. I looked at Miss Greene and I swore I saw smoke come out of her ears and nose. I suppressed my giggle along with others in the class.

"Mr. Ambrose get out of my class and don't come back until you find your manners!"
Ms. Greene shouted, completely livid.

I saw Deon roll his eyes before getting up and walking out. He blew a kiss to the class and the girls lost their shit. I rolled my eyes as the classroom erupted into chaos.

"Silence!" Miss Greene shouted and slammed her ruler against the desk.

Everyone grew quiet and before long the class was back in session. I tuned out after a while as my thoughts slowly drifted back to Mr. Bad Boy. He wore his famous leather jacket and he had on dark blue denim jeans with a white t-shirt. He looked every bit like a rock star, only difference was he wasn't.

I shook my head as I desperately tried to focus on what the lecturer was trying to say.

This chapter is a bit boring but I promise you it gets better.
Please vote/comment and let me know what you think and I'll see you tomorrow for another update.

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