Chapter 11

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"Is everything okay?" My mom asked as I crashed into her office.

She had just wrapped up a conversation with one of the music professors and the lady held her heart at the sound of me entering.

"Yes, sorry I thought you were alone." I replied trying to catch my breath.

"Okay." She turned to Elizabeth and nodded her goodbye before quickly shutting the door behind her.

"Have a seat Lillian."

I took a seat and waited for my mother to continue talking. She shuffled through one of her draws before searching her desk and finding a sheet of paper. Satisfied that it was the right one she cleared her throat and scanned it.

"I got this earlier today."

She handed me the paper with an expression that showcased how hard it was to hide her excitement. I had no idea why she was acting so strange because there wasn't a time that crossed my mind when I saw her like this.

I slowly collected the paper from her and cautiously looked at it. The very top had the words 'Academy of Intellectual Minds' printed neatly and my heart rate decreased. I raised an eyebrow at my mother to see her holding her hands together as she tried and failed to suppress her smile. When my dumbfounded look was still etched on my face she gave up.

"Sweetheart it's the school you were praying to get into!"

For some reason I was hearing the words but I wasn't listening. The paper in my hand felt like tons and my throat felt constricted. This was what I've been waiting for since forever. Once again my unsure eyes met my mother's. I opened my mouth but shut it when no words were uttered.

"Sweetheart say something." Her voice was soft and filled with warmth.

"I got in?..." I managed to ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

My mother looked at me and shook her head vigorously as her smile increased bit by bit.

"I got in!" My voice raised an octave.

She continued nodding.

"I got in!" I screamed as the knowledge sank in.

With the speed of lightning I was on my feet and hopping around the office. My heart felt ten times lighter and I felt as though I was about to die from overexcitement. After a few minutes of me dancing around the office screaming and giggling and my mom clapping like a child we finally calmed down and I read the letter aloud.

Dear Ms. Adams,

We are delighted to inform you that the Academy of Intellectual Minds have considered your application and based on your knowledge and many talents you are scheduled for an interview on the first Monday of July. Please make every effort to attend.

I dropped the paper onto the desk and smiled broadly as my mother called my father and I texted Shane.


It was the fifth period and our lecturer was absent. Everyone in class was pretty happy and I went to the library to do some studies on Economics. Towards the back at the far corner of the library had a small set of sofas that looked as though they should have retired years ago which I usually occupied and no one ever came here. My school isn't like normal high schools that you read in novels.

People don't just enter the library and head over to the back to make out. The school had many dark corners and blind spots so the bad students with dirty mouths had no reason to go there. Not that I'm complaining. I preferred to read in silence that have to listen to the senseless moans and groans of 13-18 year olds.

When I made certain that I was comfortable enough I plugged in my headphone and listened to James Arthur as I started reading. 

Halfway through Supply and Demand and Elasticity I was interrupted by a hand waving in front of my face. I pulled out my headphones and looked up at the person. My entire body froze when my eyes came flush with Rebekah Rain, the girl who was not only our school's best singer... Which by the way I'm insanely jealous of.

She is also the girl best known for her legendary dorm parties. I mean everybody went, even down to the guards! Her dorm was all the way to the back, the last for the girls dorm and also the only dorm that stood in front of two boys dorms. I have always wanted to go to one of her parties but you had to be invited by her. A lot of the younger girls and boys used to report her to the dean but she was never caught. Soon they all stopped trying to shut her down and just tried all odd and weird stuff to be cool and get in.

The guys would normally do outrageous pranks on the lecturers and dressing up in nightgowns and going to class and the girls would basically turn themselves into doormats or try and beat the guys in a drinking match.

Hilarious to watch. Dumb to partake in.

Rebekah wasn't that tall or she wasn't what you typical high schoolers would call 'skinny' but apparently she could hit the quad. She had short black hair and the lightest grey almost blue eyes I'd ever seen. She's very attractive and all but everyone knew her as more of a Tomboy so Rae and her crew didn't have a problem with her trying to steal their spotlight.

"Hi" I said when my brain kicked in.

"Hey... You're Apples right?!"

"Am, it's Lilly but you can call me whatever."

"Yeah, so I'm throwing this killer party tonight as kind of like a protest to this new regulation they wanna throw at us seniors and well, my sources say you're cool."

"Oh my gosh!" I squeaked out and covered my mouth as I looked at her crazily.

"Did you just invite me to a party?" My voice was low in case it was a prank.

"Yeah. You good for it?!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Am, I'll be there."

She saluted me before walking off. I squealed once more in excitement and shook my head vigorously as I tried to contain my excitement. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.

I was just invited to a party!

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