Chapter 8: A Puzzling Letter

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A/N: Alright, another somewhat lengthier chapter for y'all. Thanks for your understanding, guys. :) I'm happier than I have been all week (sorta...), so I decided to go on a writing spree. After I upload for Obsessed and 30 Ways, maybe I'll even get another chappie out for Achieving, eh? Tell you what. If you all go vote and/or comment on every single chapter of Escaping, then go tell...two friends about it, I'll work my butt off to at least get another chapter out tomorrow, if not tonight. :)

Um...and I seem to have messed up middle names. Apparently Lucius' middle name is Abraxas, but I already used that as Draco's, so I gave Lucius the middle name of Sceleris instead, which supposedly means "evil one" in Latin. Ironic much? I don't know, I just used a translator. Any Latin speakers?

Dedicated to Crulgirlzrule for her loyalty as a fan and reader. :) Love ya, hon.


He was still for a few seconds, then suddenly, Draco took off sprinting. Gotta find Harry, he thought frantically. But where could Harry be? First stop was the library. No Harry, or Hermione like he’d hoped. Second stop was Gryffindor tower, where he all but threatened a terrified first year to check to see if Hermione was in.

She was. “What’s wrong?” she asked, her brow furrowed. Hermione glanced down at her pjs, covered up by a robe. “This had better be important…”

“Harry’s gone missing.” She paled.

“What? When? Why?” she demanded. Draco ran a hand roughly through his hair.

“I…we got in an argument, and I said some things I shouldn’t have…he took off, and I lost him,” Draco murmured, ashamed and angry with himself. Hermione touched his shoulder.

“It’s alright…let’s just find him…any ideas where he could be?”

Draco shook his head, as a presence entered his mind.

Hurry, Dragon. Your Inima needs you desperately, before he does something rash…

“Sirena?” Draco asked aloud. Hermione cocked her head in confusion.

Use your mind…you know where he is…I can sense his pain and desperation…He cannot be lost, otherwise other souls will be lost as well...

Where is he?

I cannot tell…I can only sense him…and I can touch his mind…but barely. He’s trying to block me out…I fear he has hurt himself.

Draco’s eyes widened, and fear for Harry made his heart pound. “Where could he be?” he muttered, beginning to feel hysteric. Hermione’s hand tightened on his shoulder soothingly, and suddenly, Draco knew.

Without stopping to tell Hermione, he took off, on a path that had become eerily familiar the year before, and still possessed the jarring terror and darkness that had driven him and Harry along it many times before.

Ignoring Hermione’s confused calls, he soon disappeared. He could not run fast enough, even though he felt like his lungs were going to explode. The corridors were rapidly emptying, as curfew drew nearer. Still, the occasional student stopped to stare as one Draco Potter sprinted past.

Abruptly, he slid to a stop, in front of a door that sent chills down his spine. With dread as to what he might find, Draco pushed open the door to the abandoned girls’ room.

Harry was kneeling in the middle of the floor amidst a circle of broken glass, hands clamped over his ears as he slowly rocked back and forth. A low keening sound emanated from his throat. Afraid to startle Harry, especially considering the shards of glass surrounding him, Draco slowly moved forward. A crunch made him freeze, but Harry didn’t seem to notice, as he let out a slow wail. It broke Draco’s heart. What have I done? he wondered wretchedly.

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