Chapter 1

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Lily POV
*Ring-* I got up as fast as I could and tried to stop the alarm clock from ringing a second time if I wake up my father I would be 6 feet underground the moment he comes into my room.
I change as fast as possible into my school uniform and got my jacket. I only had one jacket so I took care of it.

I speed walk out of my room as quietly as possible. Before I leave I have to make my father breakfast so I open the fridge and pull out eggs. I quickly turn on the stove and scramble them on the pan and then poured it on a plate and left it next to his beverage a beer.

I don't  get any breakfast according to my father only people that behave get food.
"Daddy, can I get food?"7-year-old Lily asked.
"No, don't get anything if you want to eat something go find dirt and eat it and don't burn the eggs next time you worthless girl so you better behave next time."Yelled my "Father".
End of flashback
I cringe as I remember what happened after I couldn't walk for 2 days afterward because he hit me way too hard and in the end, my back was covered in bruises and I had 2 broken ribs.
After that, I vowed to never speak again and now I'm 17 so that's 10 years without saying one word.
I stopped talking not just because he hits me, but because every time I cried he would just hit me harder so if I didn't make a sound it won't be as bad.

I leave his house and hurried to school I can't be late or he would just get angrier.
My back and legs were covered in bruises but I still had the will to walk to school.
I'm a loner at school and sometimes made fun of because I'm mute.
I had no friends it was just me and the books I get from the library at school, and I hope my father doesn't take that privilege away from me as well.
I walk to the school building with my head down as the hoodie covers my most of my head because it was bigger than my small frame by not eating so well.

As I walk down the hall I heard laughter.
Huh, I wonder how it feels to laugh it been so long that I forgot.
I hurried to class which was English.
Ahh, English I was always a bit happy in this class because no one bothers me, and because I get to read interesting things.
After English, I had Art which was fun. I knew how to draw but I didn't want anyone to see my drawings.
After 2 periods went by we had a 20-minute break and I spent my time under a tree where no one could find me and started to read.

This is the class I hate the most because this class was math. I hate math I don't understand it, and I can't ask for help.
Also, Katherine, my main bully, and her group Eve and Jacy are in that class which made it harder for me.
Katherine had beautiful blonde hair that looked so alive while my blonde hair looked so dead. She had vivid green eyes while I had blue eyes which looked dull to me and it could be because I don't care about anything anymore.
Eve had brown hair with hazel eyes and Jacy was blonde with grey eyes. They were both beautiful. I heard Katherine talking about her lover Adrian.

Adrian Black is the school athlete. He has black hair with the most intense blue eyes with grey sparks. His best friend Jake was also good looking as well he had dark brown hair with green eyes.
It's not a surprise that the most beautiful people are dating.
As class started I sat down near the back where no one was at.

As everyone settled down, our math teacher Mr.Lee started talking about equations I didn't really pay attention and stared out the window instead. Which was a mistake because he called on me and I didn't even know the answer. Great.

I could feel my face turn red as I look at him and took a guess, I showed him two fingers to say the answer was 2.
"Miss Smith, I expect you to pay attention in my class and because you weren't, but instead was staring out the window, ignoring me, you get detention," said Mr.Lee in an annoyed voice.
I heard Katherine giggling along with Eve and Jacy.

NO, I can't get detention I will get killed if my father found out. I couldn't say anything so I just sat there and looked at the floor as my eyes got watery by just thinking what my father will do to me when he finds out.
The class went quickly after that and I went to the restroom to wash my face, as I heard footsteps coming to the restroom I ran to the nearest stall and shut the door.

I know it's bad to eavesdrop, but it was Katherine and her friends. They were talking about me so I put my ear next to the stall door.

"Can you believe her, she is such an idiot," says Katherine the other two girls giggle and agreed. "Did you see how red she turned, she even looked like she was going to cry," said Jacy then all I heard was laughter.
I was already in pain, what did I do to deserve all of this it.
NO, I hit my self on the cheek feeling it sting, you can't think these thoughts, You Have To Be Strong.
I repeated the words over and over in my head.
I washed my face again and went outside and it was now lunch so I, of course, can't get any food because then my father would get the bill, and I can't let that happen so I skip the whole grabbing lunch thing and went straight to my favorite spot under the oak tree.

In this spot, I could see everyone but no one could see me. I then opened a book and started to read this time I was reading about fairies.
I was envious of how happy they were.
Yea I love reading children book it gave me some of my missing "childhood".
I had half a day of school today. So after lunch, I could leave but I hated these days because it meant more of my father. If he wasn't working which he apparently works with his friend.  I don't even know what he works as or at.

I then had to take my detention good thing it wasn't so long and on a short day schedule.
I sadly picked up my things which were a book and my torn up backpack which I used for 4 years already.

I then started walking home, right now it was probably 1:30 pm since school ended at 12:30 pm today. I hoped my father wasn't home right now.
I start walking home, I walk for 4 miles. I can't take the bus because I don't have any money and my father never gave me money.

As I saw my father's house, I walked inside and went straight to my bedroom. He never tried to hit me in my room before I don't know why but my room was my safe place sometimes.
I heard the door open and I realized that my father was home so I got out to greet him. His rules are when I see him I have to greet him which is a bow on the floor as if I'm begging for my life. Then I have to get him a beer and if he wants food, I have to get him food.

As I handed him his beer he just got mad, "You worthless girl this beer is warm I like my beer cold," he yelled at me throwing the beer at my face it wasn't open so the whole force hit me on the face. My lip immediately started to bleed and I already knew I was going to have a horrible bruise.
"Clean up this bloody mess before I punish you again. You don't want that now do you." He looked at me with an evil glint in his eyes.
I started cleaning right away and gave him a cold beer. Afterwards, I go straight to my room and change my clothes because I don't want blood on good clothing. I then realized I did have blood on my hoodie so I have to wash it right away. Blood doesn't leave so good so now I will have bits of blood on my sleeve. Great.

After I put my clothes to wash and went to the kitchen to make him food. I made him chicken soup this time because it was cold outside.
I get to eat the leftovers but sometimes I have to eat something like an apple because he finishes all of it.
I place down the chicken soup on the glass table where he likes to eat and watch T.V.
I then went back to the kitchen and served myself some soup I made plenty this time and made sure it was tasty and hot enough for him I learned after my last mistake.
I watch my father spit out the soup I made him. Do you expect me to eat this? You stupid girl throw it out and make a new batch. Ok and hurry I'm starving over here." He then throws the soup at my face. I had a bit of a burn on my face afterwards. The soup was hot enough to burn me. I believe he was just bored and wanted to entertain himself.

End of flashback

I watch him eat it and it seemed to be to his liking so I just walked to my room.
I ate peacefully in my room reading the book I had earlier. I finished anything I had to do such as homework or chores.
I then brush my teeth and went to bed. I couldn't sleep for a while because I'm always afraid my father will need something, so I always wait until he is passed out. When I'm sure he doesn't need anything. I then make sure my door is locked and then finally fall asleep.

Thanks for Reading~ZzzDreamZzz

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