Chapter 17

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~~Jake POV~~
As we arrived the pack hospital we were rushed into a room and told us to wait here and rushed lily and Adrian to another room.
Ok you might be thinking what the whole deal they just fainted.
No the thing was that it is very unlikely that a alpha bloodline would faint in WOLF FORM.
"What wrong with them Jack"sobs the Luna.
"I don't know Merlin but it will be ok we have the best doctors."Jack our alpha tells his wife.
I couldn't stand this what happened to Adrian and Lily?

Everyone then got quiet when the Doctor came out."How are they what happened?"cries the Luna.

"Luna we are still trying to find out what affected them both but it will be fine one of them is starting to wake up."
We all look at each other "can we see them?" I questioned him.
"Yes and I do believe one already woke up."
I wonder which woke up before the other one.
We started walking toward their room.
The alpha made the doctors keep them in the same room to help them wake up faster.
As I opened the door I could see that the one that woke up first was Adrian.

~~Adrian POV~~
I wake up feeling pain in my head and the white bright light was not helping.
I looked around and saw Jake coming inside the room.
My mother ran to me and started yelling at me.
"Adrian I was worried sick what happened are you not eating well?"
I shook my head I was eating the same as before.
My father had this really hard thinking face on.
I was talking to my mom trying to calm her down my father Beta Jeff came in and gave my dad a very old brown book it looked so used.
We all stop talking and looked at my father trying to guess what he was doing.
My father than whispers"of course why didn't I think of this."
My father than close the book and sat down on my bed looking at all of us sternly.
"Son have you mated with your mate yet?"
Have I mated with lily sadly no.
I shook my head and looked at his face.
He looks at my mom and nods at her.
"Ohh.."My mom whispers
"Adrian you need to mate with her your wolf is in need to mate with her.
Ever since you saw her injured your wolf been in pain." My mother tells me looking strict.
"You fainted because your soul is getting weak and hers also and because she's human it makes it worst for you because you want to protect her even more."
"From now on you can't leave without her,I know your situation about how  she doesn't what you are yet and I don't think it's time yet.
The thing you have to do is stay with her 24/7 make sure your like touching her in any way hold her hand,hair it doesn't matter."
I gave my mom a nod and got up and started to walking to Lily.
I went up to her bed and got on it and reached out to hug her.
My mom nodded and told Jake and my dad to leave the room and leave us alone.
I watched them all leave and closed the door.
I then paid my attention to my mate I looked at her.
I made sure to make skin contact so it could work better.
After a while she started to move.
Next thing I knew was she was opening her beautiful blue eyes.
I was getting uncomfortable with having my eyes shut.
So I opened them very slowly because the bright light.
I could feel someone hugging me rubbing my hand.
I saw that these arms belonged to Adrian.
"Hey how are you feeling."
Strangely better than before I felt really comfortable at this moment.
I couldn't help to snuggle around his arms.
I was extremely comfortable I didn't want to move.
I think he took my snuggling as an ok I'm doing alright.
We stayed quiet and just enjoyed each other's arms.
I started to feel sleepy again but before I could sleep the door opened again revealing Mrs.Black.

She took a chair and sat down looking at each other.
"Your father and I believe it would be for the best if you two don't return back to school."
"I agree mom so I could spend more time with her."
It seems that Adrian was fine but I was not.
I can't give up on school I need to graduate and go to college.
I started shaking my head i was looking around the room trying to find paper mad something to write with.
It seemed that Mrs.Black was prepared and gave me what I needed.

"I'm sorry but I can't give up on school I need it."
She gave me a sad look.
"I'm sorry but if you want you could get homeschooled you would still be able to graduate."
Now that's good news I gave her a small smile and nodded.
As long as I got education but I don't know why I have to leave.

Adrian and I stayed at the hospital for another hour talking to his parents and Jake.
The doctor came in and told us we are able to leave now.
I nodded at the doctor and started to grab my backpack and walked out the door.
"Wait!" I hear Adrian shout.
I looked back at him,he was putting his shoes on.
I than felt it was rude if I did just leave without him.
I waited and when he was done I started waking again.I heard him catching up to me.
I look at my side and there he was.
We signed out of the hospital and walked to Adrian car which one of his family member drove here.

As we got in the car I was feeling really cold I didn't have my jacket with me and it was really cold out side.
Adrian noticed and put on the car heater I smiled at him as if I'm saying thanks.
We had a silent ride home,I don't know what he was thinking about but I couldn't believe that I was asked to leave the school.
What was the purpose of me leaving school?
I noticed we were now in front of his house and I got out when he stopped driving.
Instead of just walking inside,I waited for him because I had no idea where his room was.
His house is so huge it was pretty.
Adrian walked up to me and put his arms around me and pulled me inside the house with him.
We walked up stairs and into his room.
When we got into his room I noticed two bowls of soup on top of the mini table he has.
I smiled at the food,I really did felt special that someone made me food.
I went to the restroom to change my clothes.
I got out with a new pair of pajamas Adrian mom got me.
Adrian was already changed and started eating waiting for me.
I got a bowl and went up to the bed and started to eat.
The warm soup really did help me. It felt really good against my throat.
I was so into my food that I didn't noticed Adrian staring at me as I ate.
I now felt so conscious was I doing something wrong is this not how you eat soup.
He shook his head and got up to put his plate down and went to the restroom to brush his teeth considering it was about 12 am now.
I finished my bowl and got up to but it back I waited for Adrian to be done so I could brush my teeth.
As Adrian came out I went straight in and got my new toothbrush and Adrian toothpaste and brushed my teeth after I was done I washed my face and went back to his room.
I like how he has a restroom inside his room.

Adrian was sitting waiting for me on the bed.
I sat next to him but I felt sleepy so I lay down instead.
Adrian did the same but he wrapped his arms around me. He really seems to love doing that.
He pulls the blanket around us.
I wanted my own blanket but I felt rude asking for something so I used the same one he used.
Even if we do share the same blanket I don't feel comfortable being hugged by a person yet. But apparently I didn't mind as much as I thought because I passed out fast.

Thanks for reading

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