Chapter 46

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Lily POV
Where I'm I?
I could feel a burning sensation where my eyes would be.
I try to move my body but I couldn't. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, I could only feel the sensation of my eyes being there. My mind was empty it had nothing important to do. I try to move my arms and ended up moving them; feeling nothing.

I kept thinking about the sensation of speaking out loud, yet I couldn't. I tried but as if my entire mouth was ripped out of my body I couldn't even produce any sound to come out of my mouth.

Even worse I couldn't remember how to open my eyes. The thought of opening my eyes were at the back of my head yet I couldn't feel the movement of opening my eyes. A fearful though made me question what exactly I'm I experiencing as of right now. What happens if my eyes are open yet I can't sense anything because I've been ripped by all of my senses.

What if I'm actually awake right now but I don't know because I can't hear or see. Even though everything feels like a dream. A endless dream of pure hell. How would I know if this is a dream or if this is my reality without having the feeling of waking up. I can't move my hand to slap myself and prove it's not a dream.

I felt held down by some force that seemed unbreakable. As if some demon had my soul in his filthy hands. I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I was awake.

As I began to question my own sanity I felt a sharp pinch on my right upper arm confirming my theory of if I could feel anything.

So I could feel but why can't I control my body? Is it a drug?
If so I wonder what they are going to do to me now. I'm absolutely useless now. I wasn't helpful when I had my senses so this isn't really different.

Unless they are going to use me as a lab rat I don't know my purpose. At the deepest parts of my brain it kept screaming Adrian. As if it still wanted me to hold onto the hope that Adrian will come to get me.

I actually didn't want him to come to get me. I don't want him to see me here absolutely useless. I'm better off dead. I can't live without any of my senses. I don't think he could ever see me normal ever again. He would see me as an alien something that shouldn't exist.

As I wandered in this empty space I could hear a very low sound. At first I thought it was my imagination but the sound kept on getting louder. It could be my imagination but I did not want to believe that I was dead or that I was going crazy.

I still couldn't open my eyes they were completely shut. It felt like something is keeping my lashes from opening up. It felt the same for my body. I couldn't move, it's as if my brain lost its memories on how to function my body.

I tried and tried to at least move an inch, but I couldn't.

My voice, my throat wouldn't open up either. Is it useless for me now? I want to wake up from this empty nightmare. The feeling of not being able to control your own body can drive a person insane. The feeling that's on the back of your head yet you can't apply it to your body anymore.

I could still hear that sound. It was beating the rhythm of it was slow yet loud. I couldn't see or hear where it's coming from. But it was everywhere and it made my head pound. I don't even understand anymore. Just what is this? Just where I'm I?

The pounding got louder and louder as time passes by. It gave my anxiety because I didn't know what it was doing to me. As is pounds harder and harder my body and head screamed louder at me giving me the sense that I've been removed from my human body.

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