Chapter 38

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I wake up in a cold sweat. I look around the room it was now morning and I was on the bed.
I ran to the living room.
Adrian killed two people here.
I look around and I didn't see one single drop of blood.

I look down at me and started to shiver. Blood was all over me. That's when I realized that I'm wearing new clothes and my hair is damp.
I blinked once and then twice.
Adrian showered me didn't he.

I shiver again, but this time it was for a completely different reason. Just thinking about his hands all over me..

I walk to the kitchen to see if he was there. He wasn't.
Just where is he?
I doubt he left me alone.

I go outside and looked around.
I sighed walking back to the room.
At the back of my head I kept thinking something wrong happened to him, but most likely he's running or something.

Once I reach our room I noticed someone opening the restroom door.

I facepalm, he was in the restroom the entire time.
"You're up.." He says looking uneasy.
I nodded at him.

"Look lily I didn't mean to show you that yesterday... once you fainted I was so worried.."

I give him a small smile I knew he didn't want to show me that.
I know it's my fault for not closing my eyes, but I couldn't help it.

"I know it was just a.. surprise." I slow down thinking about my words.

I seriously did not want him to feel guilty in any way.

"I'm just sorry I can't believe I let you stay there.. I should've told you to go outside.." He never faced me as if he was scared.

"Adrian don't blame yourself.. I'm sorry for not listening to you."

He finally looks up at me and walks toward me. I smiled once I felt his warm embrace.

"Alright enough of this lets have breakfast at my parents. I have to tell me Dad about this." He says holding my hand walking out of the room.

I stop him before he exit. " Um...Adrian I just woke up I have to pee, and brush my teeth not to mention I look like a mess."I say patting my bed hair down.

He stops and takes a look at me.
"What mess? All I see is beautiful."

I blush at his words shaking my head.
"No I have to get ready." I say tearing my hand away from his.

I hear him growl and brings me closer.

"Adrian I'm going to pee myself!" I was about to laugh at his possessiveness, but I really did have to pee.

"Fine fine.. 30 seconds or no I'm breaking the door."
He must be joking.
I shake my head this time actually laughing.
"Right." I say not believing him.

I went to the restroom and started to do my business.

In the middle of peeing he starts knocking the door.

"Get away from the door or open it Lily."

I shake my head and started to change my clothes.

As I was changing my underwear he actually starts kicking the door.
I stand back in surprise.

I thought he was joking..
I put on my new underwear and the door opens.

I glare at him.
"What's the matter with you? You can't just barge in like that get OUT!" I say pushing him, but it was useless because it was the same as if I was pushing a wall he would not move.

I look at his face and his eyes was pitched black. I looked down at myself and noticed why.
All I had on was my underwear other than that I was completely naked.

"This is your fault you shouldn't have barge in here.." I whispered.

I grabbed my bra and started to change again.
I doubt he was going to move and I still had to get ready.

Once I was done I looked at him. He has not moved an inch.
Is he some sort of statue?
I ignore him and went off to brush my teeth and my hair.

Once I was completely done I face Adrian and he was still blocking the way out and looking at me with a weird expression.
"Hey can you move?" I asked him poking his stomach.


Nothing he would not say anything.
Fine... Well I have to get his attention some way.
I let my hands go under his shirt, and I delicately touch his muscles making him shiver.
Taking it a step further I pull up his shirt and started to kiss his stomach.
I feel him push my back just a little.
I smiled. Good got his attention.

"Move!" I yell.
I blink at him.
"You must be joking Adrian we have to go!"

"Why do I want to leave when if I don't you start kissing my stomach?"

I stare at him in disbelief.
"Please move.." I say sounding like I was going to cry.

He picks me up and started to kiss me.
"Alright but you never leave my side I don't care if it's to talk to my mom you don't leave me ok."

I nodded smiling.
He carried me all the way to his car, placed me in.

"I swear he's a maniac.." I mumble to myself.

"I sure am princess." He goofily smiled at him tapping my nose once he got inside the car.

It wasn't long until we got to his parents house.

"Don't move I'm taking you."

He walked to my side of the car opened the door and picked me up.

"Wait no Adrian placed me down." I whispered feeling embarrassed.

I bet he plans to carry me the entire day.

"Ehh nah I want to carry you so I am."

"Ok but can I get on your back.. This is bridal style and it's going to be weird for everyone."

He thinks about it and shakes his head.
"No you should be in my arms where you belong."

"Please." I beg.

I hear him sigh and nodded.
I smiled when he placed me down. He then sat down so I could climb his back.

I think I have something going here.
Every time I beg him he does it.

After I was ready he got up and opened the door.

It was filled. Was it another event?
I look around and saw them eating having a great time.

From the looks of it, it seemed to be Mr. And Mrs. Black anniversary.

I looked at Adrian shoulder and kissed it once.
"You alright Lily?"
I nodded.
"Yea but don't you have to tell your dad what happened?"

"I'll do that later once this ended alright now it's time to enjoy ourselves." He chuckled.

If only he would place me down, but knowing him that will never happen. I gave out a small laugh.

Thanks for reading!!!

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