Chapter 4: There You Are Babe

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"Ally! Get up already!" Tony says pounding on my door. Yesterday I after I woke up I locked myself in my room and cried the whole day. It's now 12 pm and I refuse to get up. Tony doesn't know about Eric and I 'breaking up'. He just thinks it's that time of month.

"No! Now leave me alone." I shout.

"Why are you doing this?" Tony snaps. "You need to get out of your room."


"Ally, I am getting worried. Just let me in! Please I'll leave after that, I'll do anything you want." Tony begs. I think about Tony's offer. There is only one thing I wanna know.

"Fine." I mumble getting up and unlocking the door.

"Thank the lord- HOLY SHIT! WHY HAVE
YOU BEEN CRYING?" Tony yells clenching his fists.

"You don't need to know that." I snap. "So now you have to do your part of the deal. I hear him cuss under his breath, I lean on him.

"No need to cuss brother." I whisper. "Anyways, I am gonna go get ready, and when I come back you have some things to tell me."

"Fine, but if you take to long I'm leaving." Tony says.

"Then I'll run away from home." I say, he swears and I smirk.

~45 minutes later~

I finished taking a shower 3 minutes ago. I am wearing a peach over sized t-shirt with some shorts, it doesn't look like I'm wearing pants cause my shirts so big. In this t-shirt one of the straps of my navy blue bra is showing but I don't care.. No ones gonna see me anyways.

"Okay Tony. Don't freak out when I ask you this, okay?"

"Okay." He says.

"WhereisDrew?" I say.

"What? Say it bit slower." Tony commands.

"Where, is Drew?" I ask looking away from Tony's eyes.

"Did you really ask me that?" He spits out. "I hate his guts! After what he did you still wanna know?!"

"Tony, I-"

"Don't ever mention his name again! Never." Tony says than storms out.

"Tony!" I say. He runs down the stairs and grabs his keys. I follow him but he was too fast and already drove off. I walk back into my room and fall on my bed. I let my pillows comfort by head. Tony is most likely to not come home for a while, he did that back in London. Whenever he stormed off like that he would come back late night after hanging out with his mates.

Since Tony's not coming back for a while, I'm just gonna get bored so might as well just go explore this city. I get up and change into a white t-shirt, black leather jacket, denim booty shorts, some black heels as for my accessories I'm wearing my Michel Kors watch and my necklace that says my name on it, I never take off my necklace and I never will. I love it dearly, I am just too afraid to lose it. I put my hair into a high pony tail and out my aviators on top of head.

I walk over to my garage where all of my care are parked. I have 12 cars in total and Tony has 16, this is my parents way of showing love. At sometimes they're a pain in the ass, I used to get so annoyed with all the attention. Sometimes I still am annoyed, but I guess it grew on me. I am used to all the stares,

I grab the keys for my white Ferrari that I got last, last year for my birthday back in London. I start the engine of the car and it roars as it comes to life. I drive off and just explore. No maps, no nothing.

I drove past many places, the only place that caught my eye was a forest. I park and get out. I like to stop by forests and find a thinking space. In London I had several thinking spots. Some were abandoned buildings and some were forests. I walk deep into the forest, I hear some crickets and see some birds and squirrels.

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