Chapter 39: Traitor

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"Derek?"I hiss dropping my hand.

The thunderstorm was perfect, it displayed my mood completely.

"Hello Ally." He smirks putting his gun down.

"Who do you work for?" I spat out.

"The BlackGun'z gang, but I occasionally work for other gangs and you know.. Help them out. I'm going to sell you to the gang that has your parents." He smirks. A tear drops from my eye.

"Your just like everyone else aren't you?" I ask. "A traitor." I spit out.

"Zip it!" He yells aiming his gun at me.

"Shoot." I say.

"What?" He asks.

"Shoot." I say. "Shoot me Derek." I say. "Do it. What are you waiting for?" I ask putting my gun on the roof of my car. I stalk towards him like a predator would do to its prey.

"Are you scared of shooting me?!" I scream. "You weren't scared of betraying me! The girls that thought of you as a brother, is heart broken because of you." I say. My hood falls off and the rain falls on my head.

"Why is it always my brothers?!" I scream stalking towards him.

"Stay there! Or I'll shoot!" Derek yells. I come closer to him and smack the gun out of his hands. I grab his collar and push him against his car. I punch him in the face again and again.

Alex jumps out of the car, and the guns are pointed at him he shoots at one of the men and he falls to the ground. Raymond, Conner, Kylie, Diana and Mel run out of the car and run to help Alex.

"Let me go!" Derek yells. I punch him again in the face.

"How could you?" I ask.

"They wanted wanted me to do this." He says then punches me in the face but I catch it.

"They wrote me a letter saying they loved me." I growled, "Your lying!"

He flips me over so my backs pressed against the car.

"Your parents wrote that so you don't feel unsafe. Their coming back just to kill you, to do what should've been done 5 years ago." He says throwing a punch my way. "They're coming back stronger than ever." He says.

I growl and tackle him to the ground. I straddle him and throw punches at his face.

"You tell them, if they think their strong, I'm stronger!" I growl and punch him again but this time, I knock him out. I sigh and get off him. I looked around in the rain, Derek's men were on the ground, dead or unconscious, and Kylie, Mel, Diana, Conner, Raymond and Alex were staring at me. I wiped my tear stained cheeks. Alex holds out my gun and I grab it and shove into my boot.

"Are you okay Ally?" Conner asks. I look at him.

"I-I don't know.." I say my voice cracking. "He was like my brother." I say. Conner pulls me into a hug. I dig my head into his chest and sob into his already wet shirt.

"They're going to kill me." I cry. He rubs my back. "They never loved me." I say looking into his eyes.

"Shh. It doesn't matter, we love you." Conner says. My eyes were slightly dropping, my ears were ringing and I was shaking.

Was this the secret that DJ and MJ were taking about? That Derek was on Drew and Mari's side? Is that why they wanted me to move to Canada?

Ugh this is so frustrating!

"Ally, are you having a panic attack?" Kylie asks walking up to me. Conner let's go of me.

I was starting to have a shortage of breath.

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