Chapter 58: Mini Alex

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His lips were on mine, his right hand was on my back and his left hand right above my butt.

I was shocked, what was he doing? Why was he kissing me? He has a girlfriend, who I beat up, then he had yelled at me for being a 'bitch', now he's cheating on her himself?

The kiss felt so wrong, yet so good. I couldn't help but give in, I kissed back with as much passion he put into the kiss.

My fingers raked through his thick yet soft black hair. His left hand moves lower and he squeezed my butt making me gasp and he took the opportunity and stuck his tongue in my mouth exploring every inch of my mouth.

"Oh dear lord!" A voice shrieks from beside us. Me and Alex jump away from each other instantly and look at where the voice came from. A elderly women stood with her husband and looked at us in awe.

"They're so cute! Don't you think Henry?!" She gushes, Alex smirks and I blush in embarrassment.

"Indeed Meredith." Henry smiles widely at us.

"How long have you been together?" Meredith asks.

"We're not-"

"Three weeks." Alex says loudly cutting me off.

"You children are so cute!" She gushes again. Alex and Henry chuckle.

"Well Babe, I think everyone's waiting.. Should we go now?" Alex asks ticking me off my using the word 'Babe'.

"Sure Alexy, let's go." Alex scowls when I say 'Alexy' and I smirk at his scowl.

Henry and Meredith wave us off and once we were out of view I punched Alex in the stomach and groaned. I stormed off into Victoria Secret.

I saw Nicky looking at some sports bra's and short's. I stormed her way, and groaned. She sighed and put down the grey sports bra she was looking at and turned on her heel to face me. "What happened, now? Wait, why are your lips swollen? Did you kiss someone?! Was it Ryder?! I knew it! You like him!" She smirks evilly nudging me with her elbow.

"No I do not like Ryder, no he did not kiss me, but someone else did." I sigh wiping my lips of with the back of my hand. "I feel gross now, I can't believe I kissed them back!" I exclaim.

Nicky's eyebrows rose. "What? You kiss- Wait! Who kissed you?" She ask's crossing her arms over chest.

"Alex.." I mumble under my breath.

"You kissed that-"

"I didn't kiss him! He kissed me! I was going to the washroom and he pinned me down to the wall and he kissed me! He even told this old couple we were dating for three weeks now!"I groaned pulling on my hair in frustration. "The wierd thing was, I liked the kiss."

"Good to know you liked the kiss babe." Alex says from behind me, and I freeze making Nicky break into laughter.

I turn on my heel, "H-Hey Alex.. What are you doing here? I-In a girls undergarment s-store.." I trail off making him laugh and smile. His smile was quite adorable actually, he always smirked or chuckled, he never smiled.

"I followed you here and heard you say quote, 'The weird thing was, I liked the kiss!'!" He mimicked in a high pitched voice putting his hands on his hips.

"Alex shut up!" I say covering my face in embarrassment.

"Oh my poor baby's embarrassed." Nicky teases hugging me.

"Bitch, get the fuck off me." I say shoving her off. "Besides, I have only kissed one other guy before." I say roll my eyes.

"At least you haven't kissed Eric before, he was the worst. So sloppy and wet.." Nicky says shivering. "Wait, who else did you kiss? Was it Ryder, Trevor, Con-"

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