Chapter 40- I'm Not a Damsel in Distress.

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Darcy's POV

Getting in after Lestrade had arrested Joe West and I was exhausted, not surprising as I always was. The flat was still freezing, "You need to get those windows fixed." I commented and pointed towards the papered, broken windows.

"I know, would be good if we had some money to do that." John said glumly and dropped down onto the sofa, still in his coat.

"I'll figure it out." Sherlock shrugged and kept his coat on as well, sitting in his own armchair.

I stood by the door with my arms crossed tightly in front of me in an attempt to keep warm, "More like Mrs Hudson will." I rolled my eyes and walked to stand behind John's armchair, I furrowed my brow and looked around the room, "Where's my bag?"

"What?" Sherlock just asked in reply.

I clenched my jaw and leant on the armchair, "My bag, Sherlock. Where is it?" He didn't answer and just flicked his eyes up to look at me, I huffed, "I'm leaving, Sherlock."

"But you-" He started.

"I know, after this case. I promised  and I hardly ever make those, so I'm reluctant to break one." I interrupted him, speaking the truth, and then asked again, "Where's my bag?"

He glared at me and reached beside his armchair, "Here."

I flinched as he threw my bag at me and it bounced in my arms slightly before I gripped it tightly, "Thanks." I put it on the armchair in front of me and opened it up, making sure that everything was still in there and but everything I meant my sentimental belongings.

Both there. My necklace was still around my neck and I touched it delicately.

"Everything there?" I heard John ask.

I snapped out of my little trance and looked over to him before nodding, "Yep. All there, ready for when I go." I lifted the bag up over the chair and dropped it beside me as I sat down.

"Gonna miss you, troublemaker." John said and put a hand on my head, ruffling my hair slightly as walked past.

I smiled and flattened my hair, "I'll miss you too, Blondie!" I called after him as I heard his feet pad up the stairs towards his room.

Sherlock immediately shot up and put his laptop on his chair, then went over to the table in the living room. I frowned as he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, then, stared down at the paper with his pen poised to start writing.

"What are you doing?" I inquired and shuffled to bring my knees up to my chest. He didn't answer but sat still, in his poised position, "Sherlock?"

He shushed me rather harshly and I huffed, wrapping my arms around my legs and staring at him as he started to write. Soon, he'd scribbled it out and stopped again.

Indecisive. Important Letter? But For Whom?

I heard John making his way down the stairs again and then the shower turning on but still kept my eyes on Sherlock as he pondered what he would write next.

A Letter for Mycroft? No, He'd Just Text Him. His Mother, Father? Does He Even Have Those, Well Obviously He Does But Are They Alive?

I bit my lip thoughtfully and narrowed my eyes at him, the shower turned off and I heard the door creak open. John's feet padded through the hallway and stopped just behind where I was sat, "Sherlock, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Exactly what I want to know." I commented pointedly and brandished my hand in Sherlock's direction.

Again, Sherlock said nothing and just tapped the end of his pen against his chin thoughtfully. Before picking up an idea and setting off writing again, then stopped and frowned once more.

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