Part 20

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I Stay Shut.

The new house mother comes in and says. "Hello my darlings My name is Ms.France and I will be your new House mother,nice to meet you all. It's now 10:23 pm and I would like you all to start heading to bed.

"Do you sleep in here?" she asks the boy.

He looks back at me, and says. "Yeah I do."

"Great Goodnight my lovely's" she says as she closes the room door.

"Dude!?" What in the name of a rats ass are you doing?! I yell

"I'm sleeping here tonight" he says.

"Kay then" I respond.

I get in my bed and say "Well I guess Claire is sleeping in another room so you can take her bed for the night" I say.

"Nah it's okay but thanks." he says.

He picks up my covers and lays in my bed with me.

"Uh....Hi o.0" I say.?

I turn off the light and begin to relax. " What's your name by the way?" I say.

"I'm Eric. Eric Prim" he says.

"Oh okay, goodnight, we'll talk about everything else tomorrow.

"Okay" he says.


I wake up and see that Eric is still laying down next to me. I feel horrible. I am extremely light headed, I feel weak and I feel like I'm about to barf.

I quickly put on some clothes and walk out the room. I walk down the hallway and see Ms.France. "Hi umm I feel really sick can you please take me to the hospital." I say nicely

"Just go lay back down sweetie" she says. "No miss I think this is more serious I can't just sweat this one off" I say.

"Just lay back down!"


"Go To Your Room CUPCAKE" she screams through her teeth.

I run back to my room and lock the door. "Eric!" I say.

He doesn't wake up.

I grab a pillow and throw it at his face. "ERIC!" I yell louder.

"Wha-what happen ?"

"Come where going to the hospital" I say grabbing my stomach.

We sneak out the window and ask our driver to take us to the hospital. He says Yes and we get in the car.

"Whats wrong?" Eric says.

"I feel so sick , I can't even explain it. " I say

"Your really pale and your lips are purple" he says worried.

Scared, I begin to cry. He slides over and puts his arm around me and strokes my hair.

We get there and he carries me into the hospital and sits me down in a chair. A nurse comes towards me quickly and ask's me whats wrong.

"I feel really sick " I say

She sits me in a wheelchair and rushes me into a room. Where loads of doctors came rushing in doing multiple test on me, taking my blood, and so much more. All I saw was a big blur. My eyes were extremely blurry and I felt light as a feather.

All the test's are done and about 15 minutes later a doctor comes in with a clip board and hangs it at the end of my bed

"Hi honey" she says.

"Hi" I say pushing myself to sit up.

"What's wrong with me?"  I ask.

"Well we are bringing in your House mom and just know we are going to help you fight through this and your not alone honey". She says kissing my forehead. She then gets up and leaves the room.

I waited 5 minutes just in case she came back in, then I crawled to the end of my bed.

I picked up the clip board and try to understand "Doctor Talk"

Then I look at the bottom of the page and see

"Patient Symptom: Leukemia"

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