Part 23

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The room was silent. Then the doctor walks back in.

"Your going home hun' " She says.

I managed to fake a smile. Few minutes later, I get dressed and walk out the hospital with Claire and Eric by my side. We get in the car with Ms.France and drive off.

The ride was awkward. No one was talking after that big blow out back in the hospital. Then all of a sudden Ms.Frances phone rings.

"Hello ?" she says curious.

"Oh , sure just a second" she responds politely.

"Victoria it's for you"

What the hell? Who could possibly want to talk to me? I grab the phone from her hand and place it on my left ear.

"Umm Hello ?" I say nervous.


"Vic- Victoria." I hear.

"Who Is This" I say.

"It's me. I just found this number of my old friend Crystal France. She told me she just found a new job..And she told you would be there." she says.

"How Do You Know Me" I say in a louder tone.

"Look Victoria. I'm In Danger. Mason Doesn't Know I'm Alive. You Have To Find Me Before He Does." she says.

"How am I suppose to do that when I have to protect my sister. He doesn't know she survived the -

"Bring Her With You. If You Leave Her Behind He Will Find Her And He Will Murder Her. He's Mad Victoria. He Continues To Murder Those Who Appear To Be Me. And If He Finds Out Or Even Looks Me In The Eyes. He Will Remember Victoria.. He Will Remember Everything."

"So Why Is It Such A Problem If He Finds Out The Truth?" I say.

"Because Victoria. He Doesn't Remember What Happened In That House. The Memories In That House Is To Never Be Brought Up Again." she says.

"So You Need My Help" I say in a low tone

"It's More Like A Pay Back For Everything I Had To Deal With, With You. So Do It" she says.

"And What If I Don't"  I reply

"Victoria is everything okay? Who is that" Ms.France says.

"If You Don't You Won't Make It Past The Next 2 Weeks" she says


"We will meet next by the burnt down house. Plus you wouldn't want to pass this up. I have the cure for everything. Trust Me" she says.

"How Can I Trust You If I Don't Even Know Who You Are !?" I yell


"Is That Any Tone To Talk To Your Mother?"

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