Chapter 5

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They really had managed to piss you off, those guys were everywhere. You couldn't leave your house without getting offered, what they would call very reasonable offer, of course you never had really listened long enough to know what the offer was. You just declined and that usually led to having to fight them, or just running away. Apparently their new life goal was to prevent you from having fun. Fighting with Yata had been the most fun you had had in ages. Now you were barely able to exit the apartment without running into some blue assholes.

You were walking towards the drug store, when yet again your peaceful time got disturbed. "Miss (y/n) (y/l/n)! Come with us!" A man yelled you. "No way!" You smirked turning quickly on your heels, just to be faced with two more guards, if they were that. "City is not ruled with fear! People will raise against authorities if they are too involved" you sighed. "Yell all you want, but you are now arrested" one of them said. "Three men against one girl, this shall be interesting" you smirked yet again. "Better not let me down" you said, ready for a fight.

Yata's POV

What a brave girl. She had her own wants and she was bowing down for no one. She wasn't part of Homra, but she definitely had the same fire in her. Where did this girl come from? Why was she so special? So much anger and frustration, what happened to her to become like that? What was her story? She fascinated me, her complex and her fire.

Being brave doesn't always mean being smart. This was a fight she couldn't win. As much as I hate to admit, the blues are strong, maybe even as strong as we are. She could maybe take me on but three scepter 4 members, that's two much. She was good yes, but not that good. "Let's go!" I said to Rikio.

Normal POV

They were strong, maybe too strong, but you weren't going to give up. You would fight for your freedom, no matter how far you would have to push your body, for the first time in very long, a very dangerous thought lit up in you. Thankfully before you had the time to take it any further a flash of red interrupted your train of thought. You froze in your steps as you watched Yata and some fatty guy, take them down. "Wow, saving the princess, are we?" you teased. "Our boss wants to see you" Yata said looking every where but your eyes. "Well aren't I popular today?" you joked, not really getting the wanted reaction from either of the men. "You mad at me, bro?" You asked. "Who you calling bro?" Yata said shocked. "You know each other?" The fat one asked. "No, never seen him" you stated. "So to Homra then?" you asked, turning on your heels and started walking.


Next chapter you'll meet Mikoto.

I have two dogs by the way, the elder is 12 and younger is 4. Have had them both since puppies, can't believe it's been so long. Time surely flies fast. Well that's all I have to share today.

Love you all, bye :3

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