Part 6

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That night I just sat at my desk, thinking over all that happened yesterday. 'How would everyone react if they knew who and what I really was? What would my friends think? Better yet, what would Jenny and Evie think?' A tear escapes my right eye and I notice it is a dark grey colour instead being transparent. I sigh and rest my head on my palms before getting up and putting in my headphones, listening to Monster by Skillet. To think I always wanted to be a Xenomorph but not thinking of the consequences. I close my eyes, singing quietly. "The secret side of me, I never let you see, I keep it caged but I can't control it, so stay away from me the best is ugly, I feel the rage and I just can't hold it, it's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls." As I sing I don't even notice my nails raking down the desk, leaving a deep scratch down it.

"It comes awake and I can't control it Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head, why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?" I open my eyes, both a pitch black. "I feel it deep within, it's just beneath my skin I must confess that I feel like a monster I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster I, I feel like a monster
I,I feel like a monster."

I jump, realising I hissed as I did when I was a Xenomorph and I look at my arms only to gasp, the alien imprint looks more like a burn and the arm that it's on has turned to look like a Xenomorph's. I open my mouth and look in the mirror only to gasp as I see a Xenomorph's tongue instead of my own. I look behind me and see the same black, bladed tail I had when I was a Xenomorph and I even had the feet of a Xenomorph. The other arm looked normal but I had six fingers instead and I hissed as I felt a burning pain on my neck. My eyes widen as I see a big six on the left side of my neck, just like the one I had on my head as a Xenomorph. I watch as my body morphs into a Xenomorph's and I hiss loudly as pain envelopes my body.

I gasp loudly, sitting up in my bed "just a dream," I sigh in relief before hearing a voice in my head what you saw in your dream can become a reality, close your eyes and whisper "hybrid" and you will be human part Xenomorph and if you close your eyes and think of becoming a Xenomorph, you will become one. I nod, taking in the information before getting ready to go to school.

On the way to school I have my hood up, my fringe covering my right eye perfectly but I have to hold it in place every now and then due to the wind. I hesitate before walking into the school, looking around nervously before going to the usual spot where I meet up with Jenny and Evie. I spot Jenny almost immediately and slowly walk over, I notice her usually brown, short hair is a  bit longer and is a darker shade than usual and she has pink and blue tips to them. I walk slowly up to her before she grabs me, "I need to tell you something!" She says before leading me outside and looks around to see if anyone's near.

"Okay," she says, "you know those Thanators from that Avatar movie, right?" She says really quietly but thanks to my still enhanced hearing I hear every word. "Yeah?" "Well, I'm, I guess you could say, one of them," She says, worry in her blue eyes as she looks at me, anticipating my answer.

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